Email :
B.E. (E & I), M.Tech., Phd
Her Area of Interest lies in
Industrial Instrumentation,
Digital Electronics,
Process Control Instrumentation,
Linear Robust Control
Control Systems,
Microprocessor and Microcontroller,
Virtual Instrumentation,
Advanced Digital Control Systems,
Computer Control of Process.
1) Process Control Instrumentation
2) Computer control of Process
3) Virtual Instrumentation
Janani. R, participated in One day National Conference on “2nd” National conference on current and Emerging Process Technologies CONCEPT 2019 organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College on 25/01/2019
Janani. R, participated in One day National Conference on “6th” National conference on Trends in Instrumentation and Automation NCTIA 2018 organized by Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Velammal Engineering College on 28/03/2018.
Janani. R, participated in One day National Conference on “Innovative Research on Robotics, Circuits and Technology (ICRT’18)” organized by Circuit branches of SCSVMV University on 20/02/2018.
Janani. R, participated in One day National Conference on “Multifaceted Approach towards New India” organized by Faculty of Management Studies, Commerce and HR, SCSVMV University on 10/11/2017.
Janani. R, participated in One day National Conference on “Recent trends, Advancements and Applications in Digital Image Processing” Organized by Department of Computer Science Engineering, SCSVMV University on 14/10/2016
Janani. R, “Design of PID controller for a system by relay tuning method” presented in the National Conference ETEIAC 2016 organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, on 11/03/2016
Janani. R, “Internal Model Controller for Time Delay Systems” presented in the National Conference Recent Trends in Electrical Science and Technology and also published in the proceedings organized by SRI RAMANUJAM CENTER, SASTRA UNIVERSITY, on 16/10/2015.
Janani. R, “Wireless Sensor Network Security & Applications” presented in the National Conference CNRSI 2012 and also published in the proceedings organized by K.S.R. College of Engineering, on 31/08/2012
Janani. R, I. Thirunavukkarasu, “Decentralized PI Controller tuning based on Routh Hurwitz Tuning for an Interacting Distillation Process”, presented in IEEE International Conference Electrical, Communication, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computing (ECEIC-2019) in Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Maha Vidyalaya, Kanchipuram held on 30-31 Jan 2019.
Janani R, G. Padmanabha Sivakumar, “Comparison on Performance of difference PID Tuning Techniques for Temperature Process”, presented in 2nd International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICPAM), in Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Maha Vidyalaya, Kanchipuram held on 18th Dec 2018.
Janani. R, I. Thirunavukkarasu, “Simple way of tuning Centralized PI Controller for Interacting Pilot Plant Distillation Column”, International Conference on Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices (ICICCD-2018) in University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun held on 21st – 22nd Dec 2018.
Janani. R, Vinayambika.S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, V.I. George, “ Identifying the Stabilizing Regions of PI Controller based on Frequency Specifications for a Lab Scale Distillation Column”, presented in IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy, Electronics and Computing Systems, SEEMS 2018, ITS College of Engineering, Greater Noida, UP held on 26th -27th Oct 2018.
Janani.R, Vinayambika. S. Bhat , I. Thirunavukkarasu, “Multi-variable PI Controller based on Gain and Phase Margins for a Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, CHEMCON-2017, Haldia Institute of Technology, Kolkata, Dec.2017 , proceedings Page No. 10-12
Janani.R, I. Thirunavukkarasu, Vinayambika S Bhat, “Design of Centralized Robust PI Controller with Loop Shaping for a Non-square Matrix Distillation Column” 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Health Sciences, ICCMEH- 19th-20th Dec. 2017
Janani.R, Vinayambika S Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, V.I.George, “Admissible set of PI Controllers based on Gain and Phase Margins for a Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, presented in 30th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, Monish University, Malaysia. 6th – 7th Dec. 2017.
Janani.R, Vinayambika S Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, S. Shanmuga Priya, “Design of Robust PI Controller with Loop Shaping for a Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, presented in International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies, (ICICICT), 6th -7th July, Kannur, Kerala, 2017
Vinayambika S Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, Janani. R “Design and Implementation of MSC based Multi-loop PID Controller for Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, presented in IEEE International Conference on circuits Power and Computing Technologies 2017
Janani.R, “Image Processing Using MATLAB GUI”, presented in Second International Conference on Engineering Technology, Science and Management Innovation organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh on 15/02/2017.
Janani. R, “Image Acquisition and Processing with LABVIEW”, presented in the International Conference on
Janani R, “Computational Intelligence in Wireless Sensor Networks” presented in the International Conference TELNET 2013 Proceedings organized by Amity University, on 27/02/2013, pp- 168
Janani. R, “Wireless Sensor Network Technology” presented in the International Conference IETSD 2012 organized by BIT & University of Derby on 03/09/2012.
Janani.R, I. Thirunavukkarasu, “Design of IMC Based Independent Multi-Loop PI Controller for Interacting Pilot Plant Distillation Column”, in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 10, 2018.
Janani.R, “Application of LabVIEW in Digital System Design and Image Processing”, in International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET), Volume 5, Issue 1, April 2018 (UGC Approved Journal)
Janani.R, I. Thirunavukkarasu, Vinayambika S Bhat, “Experimental Implementation of CDM Based Two Mode Controller for an Interacting 2*2 Distillation Process”, in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 118 No. 18 2018, 2241-2251. (UGC Approved Journal)
Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, S. Shanmuga Priya, Janani R., “Identifying the Stabilizing Region of PID Controller Using Polytopic Polynomial Approach for Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 118 No. 18 2018, 2229-2240. (UGC Approved Journal)
Janani.R, “Image Processing Using LabVIEW”, in International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science IJIACS ISSN 2347 – 8616 Volume 6, Issue 12 December 2017
Vinayambika S Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, Janani. R “Design and Implementation of MSC based Multi-loop PID Controller for Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, IEEE International Conference on circuits Power and Computing Technologies – Best Paper Awarded. IEEE Explorer (Web of Science/ SCOPUS).
Janani. R, “Image Processing Using MATLAB GUI”, in International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System (IJEECS), Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2017 with ISSN: 2348-177X
Janani. R, “Design of Decoupling Controllers for an MIMO Systems”, Institute of Research Development India, Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016
Janani. R, “Study on Stress Management by Professional Graduates” in Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering and Management, Volume 1, Issue 3, May 2016 with ISSN 2455-3689 (Online)
Janani R, “Design of PID controller for a system by Relay Tuning Method”, in IJTRD, March 2016
Janani. R, K. Saraswathi, “A Labview Based monitoring and controlling of Various Process Variables”, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2014 with ISSN (Print): 2320 – 3765 with an Impact factor of 1.686
Conducted Two Days Faculty Development Programme in the title of “Lab View Programming” for all Engineering college faculties, at SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram on October 25th and 26th 2013.
Served as Resource Person and gave a Lecture/ Software Training on PLC Programming in “Basic Industrial Automation Using PLC and SCADA” at ADVANCED TRAINING INSTITUTE, CTI CAMPUS, GUINDY, CHENNAI.
Attended one week short-term programme on “TOOLS FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE THROUGH ICT”, organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, NITTTR Chandigarh.
Attended three days short-term programme on “PID Control: Teaching, Practice and Research”, organized by Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka.
Attended one day International Seminar on “EMBEDDED SAFETY AND SECURITY SUMMIT 2018”, organized by LDRA, Chennai on 7th August 2018
Attended two days National Workshop on LABVIEW CORE- 1, KCG College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai on 28th and 29thJune 2018.
Attended one day National Seminar on “Web Training Programme on URKUND Anti Plagiarism Software”, organized by Department of Library and Social Science, SCSVMV University on 16/11/2017
Attended one day National Workshop on “RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS”, organized by Department of Computer Science Engineering, SCSVMV University on 25/03/2017.
Attended one day National Seminar on “CURRICULUM ENRICHMENT”, organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SCSVMV University on 20/03/2017.
Attended one day National Workshop on “WRITING OF PROPOSALS FOR FUNDED PROJECTS” Organized by Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning, SCSVMV University on 29/08/2016
Attended two days National Workshop on “MATH WITH OPENSOURCE SOFTWARE” Organized by Department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University on 03/09/2015 and 04/09/2015
Attended One day National Workshop on “INSTRUMENTATION TECHNIQUES IN PHYSICS PINTECH 15” Organized by Department of Physics, SCSVMV University on 06/11/2015
Attended One Day National Workshop “SHODHGANGA AND ANTI PLAGIARISM SOFTWARE AWARENESS PROGRAMME” at SCSVMV University on 26/03/2015
Participated in Two Week Refresher Course on “PLC AND SCADA BASED INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION USING AB PLC” conducted by Advanced Training Institute, Chennai from 08/06/2015 to 19/06/2015.
Participated in “Two Week Main Workshop on Control Systems” by IIT Kharagpur funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India from 02/12/2014 to 12/12/2014 at Saveetha Engineering College Remote Centre.
Participated in Distinguished Lecturer’s Seminar conducted by IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) Madras Chapter at SAMEER – Centre for Centre for Electromagnetics, Taramani, Chennai on 04/10/2014
Attended National Workshop Educators Day by National Instruments on 18/09/2014
Participated in Seminar “MATLAB & SIMULINK For Engineering Education” conducted by Math Works India on 20/08/2014 at Hotel Fortune, Chennai
Participated in Automated Test Seminar conducted by National Instruments on 11/07/2014 at Hotel Radisson Blu, Chennai
Attended three days’ Workshop on “Spectroscopic Techniques” Organized by Central Instrumentation Facility, School of Chemical, Physical and Applied Science, Pondicherry University on 30/04/2014, 02/05/2014 and 03/05/2014
Attended One Day National Workshop Educators Day by National Instruments on 02/09/2013
Participated in the National Seminar on “Chromatographic Techniques” conducted by Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Madras, Chennai from 30/08/2013 to 31/08/2013
Attended two days National Level Workshop on “Industrial Automation Using PLC” at SELVAM College of Technology, Namakkal with NEST advanced training institute, Erode from 01/02/2013 to 02/02/2013
Participated in the UGC sponsored short term course on “Research Methodology, Techniques of Writing Research Articles and Thesis Preparation” conducted by the Dept. of Information Technology, Anna University, MIT Campus, Chennai on 02/03/2013
Attended Two Days National Workshop Educators