SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya


M.Sc., M.Phil., (Ph.D)

His Area of Interest lies in Queuing Theory, Stochastic Process

Engineering Mathematics (I, II, III, IV)
Boundary Value Problems & Statistics
Numerical Methods
Applied Statistics & Probability
Probability & Statistics
Probability Theory & Random Process
Resource Management and Techniques
Applied Mathematics for Engineers
Advanced Engineering Mathematics


1) Maintaining a Directed Path in Acyclic Distributed Path Computation NCRTIES – 2011 Aksheyaa College of Engineering , Puludivakkam ,Madhurathakam,Department of Computer Science and Engg


1) Kalyanaraman.R and Nagarajan.P, “Bulk arrival, fixed batch service queue with unreliable server and with Bernoulli vacation”, International journal of applied engineering research, Special issue Vol 11, No.1, Pp 421-429. January 2016. (ISSN 0973-4562)(Scopus indexed journal).
2) Kalyanaraman.R and Nagarajan.P, “Bulk arrival, fixed batch service queue with unreliable server and with Bernoulli vacation, Two stages of service”, Journal of Chemical and pharmaceutical science, Vol 09, issue 04, Pp 2271-2281. Oct-Dec,2016. (ISSN 0974- 2115)(Scopus indexed journal)..
3) Kalyanaraman.R and Nagarajan.P, “Bulk arrival, fixed batch service queue with unreliable server, Bernoulli vacation, Two stages of service and with delay time”, International journal of mathematics trends and technology, Vol 38, No.1, Pp 48-57, Oct 2016. (ISSN 2231-5373) (Impact Factor= 1.32).
4) Kalyanaraman.R and Nagarajan.P, “Bulk arrival, fixed batch service queue with unreliable server and with compulsory vacation”, Indian journal of science and technology, Vol 9(38), Pp 1-8, Oct 2016. (ISSN (print) 0974-6846, ISSN (online) 0974-5645 ) (Scopus indexed journal) (H-index 22) ..
5) Kalyanaraman.R, Seenivasan.M and Nagarajan.P, “Four server retrial queue with orbital search”, in the proceedings of International conference on Mathematical modeling and its applications, Pp 1-7, Dec 22-24, 2012.
6) Thillaigovindan.N, Kalyanaraman.R, Seenivasan.M and Nagarajan.P, “A Single server retrial queue with orbital search”, in the proceedings of International conference on applied mathematical model, Pp 36-40, Jan 03-04, 2014.
7) Kalyanaraman.R and Nagarajan.P, “Bulk queue with unreliable server and with Bernoulli vacation”, in the proceedings of international conference on mathematics and its applications-2014, Pp 1173-1192, Dec 15-17, 2014. (ISBN 978-81-923752-7-4.)
8) National conference on “Mathemaical modeling -2014”, Organized by department of Mathematics, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar,Chidambaram. Feb21-22, 2014.
9) Paper Title “The Stationary analysis of finite capacity multi server retrial queue” International conference on “Mathematics and its applications-2014”, Organized by department of Mathematics, University College of Engineering, Villupuram. Dec15-17, 2014.
10) Paper Title ” Bulk queue with unreliable server and with Bernoulli vacation ” International conference on “Applied Mathematical Models-2016″, Organized by department of Mathematics, PSG Technology, Coimbatore. January 5-7, 2016. Paper title ” Bulk arrival, fixed batch service queue with unreliable server and with Bernoulli vacation “
11) International conference on “Emerging trends in electronics communication and computing technology”, Organized by department of ECE, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. May 5-6, 2016. Paper title ” Bulk arrival, fixed batch service queue with unreliable server and with compulsory vacation “
12) International conference on “Technology, Engineering and Science”, Organized by C.Abdul Hakeem college of engineering, Mel Visharam, Vellor. July 27-28, 2016. Paper title ” A bulk queue with unreliable server with compulsory server vacation and with two states of service “


1) A regional workshop on “Matlab and its applications”, Organized by department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (12.10.2015)
2) National workshop on “Basics of MATLAB”, Organized by department of Physics, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (10.10.14). Title of talk “Basics of MATLAB”.
3) National workshop on “Basics of MATLAB”, Organized by department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (28.11.14). Title of talk “Basics of MATLAB”.
4) Workshop on “MATLAB and its application”, Organized by PG and Research department of mathematics, Government arts college, Chidambaram. (16.10.15). Title of talk “2-D Plotting of graph and 3-D”.. 5) A short term course on “Math with MATLAB”, Organized by department of Mathematics and Statistics, K.B.N college, Vijayawada, Adrapradesh. (16.11.15 to 20.11.15) .Title of talk “2-D plotting of graph and 3-D”.
6) Quality enrichment program-I, Organized by department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, (24.03.16). Title of talk “Introduction to automata theory”.
7) Common Orientation program, Organized by SCSVMV University,Enatur, Kanchipuram. (5.11.08 to 8.11.08)
8) National workshop on “Hindi-introduction, conversation & review”, Organized by Department of science and humanities, SCSVMV University, Enatur, Kanchipuram. (30.03.2009)
9) National workshop on “Graph theory, Algorithms and Networks systems”, Organized by Department of computer science, SCSVMV University, Enatur, Kanchipuram. (20.07.09 to 21.07.09)
10) National Seminar on “Partial Differential equation” in commemoration of Prof.E.K.Ramasami retirement. Organized by Department of Mathematics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. (6.11.09)
11) National Workshop on “Research method in basic science”, Organized by Osmania University, Hyderabad. (23.11.09 to 27.11.09)
12) National seminar on ” Engineering research trends in basic sciences”, Organized by Department of science and humanities, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (19.03.10)
13) National conference on “Recent trends in Fuzzy mathematics”,Organized by Mathematics wing, Directorate of distance education, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. (14.06.10 to 15.06.10)
14) National workshop on “Instructional workshop on Random process and their applications”, Organized by Department of Mathematics Annamalai University, Chidambaram. (10.11.10 to 23.11.10).
15) National conference on “Network and distributed system security”, Organized by department of Computer science, SCSVMV University. Enatur, Kanchipuram. (20.01.11 to 21.01.11)
16) National workshop on “Modern techniques in analytical chemistry”, Organized by department of chemistry, SCSVMV University. Enathur, Kanchipuram. (10.02.11 to 11.02.11).
17) International conference on “Stochastic Modeling and simulations”, Organized by department of science and humanities, Veltech University, Chennai. (15.12.11 to 17.12.11). Faculty development program on “Mathematical tools for engineering research”, organized by School of humanities and science, SASTRA University. (19.12.11 to 20.12.11).
18) Workshop on “Self development of educators”, Organized by department of science and humanities, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (18.02.12 to 19.02.12).
19) National conference on “Mathematical modeling-2014”, Organized by department of Mathematics, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. (23.02.12 to 24.02.12).
20) Regional seminar on ” Elliptic curve cryptography”, organized by department of science and humanities, SCSVMV University, Enatur, Kanchipuram. (29.02.12)
21) National workshop on “Linear programming with excel”, Organized by department of science and humanities, SCSVMV university, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (23.4.12 to 24.04.12).
22) National Seminar on “Practical Mathematics and statistics”, Organized by Sri Sankara Arts and Science college, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (7.03.12 to 8.03.12).
23) Orientation Program, Sponsored by UGC, Organized by Academic staff college, Madras University, Chennai. (20.11.12 to 17.12.12).
24) International conference on “Mathematical modeling and its applications”, Organized by department of Mathematics, Annamalai University. (22.12.12 to 24.12.12).
25) Regional seminar on “Applications of mathematics to computer vision and machine learning”, Organized by department of Science and humanities, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (28.01.13).
26) National workshop on “Writing scientific proposals and papers for quality research”, Organized by department of Science and humanities, SCSVMV University, Enatur, Kanchipuram. (14.02.13).
27) The basic level workshop on “MATLAB and its applications”,Organized by department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (09.09.13).
28) National conference on “Mathematical modeling-14”, Organized by department of Mathematics, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. (21.02.14 to 22.02.14)
29) Workshop on “MATLAB and its application(II-Level)”, Organized by department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (08.03.14)
30) National workshop on “Basics of MATLAB”, Organized by department of Physics, SCSVMV University. Enatur, Kanchipuram. (10.10.14)
31) National workshop on “MATLAB Programming”, Organized by department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (28.11.14).
32) International conference on “Mathematics and its applications-2014”, Organized by department of mathematics, University college of engineering, Villupuram. A constituent college of Anna university, Chennai.(15.12.14 to 17.12.14).
33) One day user awareness program on “Shodhganga and Anti-plagiarism software”, Organized by Library, SCSVMV University, Enatur, Kanchipuram. (26.03.15)
34) National workshop on “Math with Open source software”, Organized by department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, Enatur, Kanchipuram. (3.9.15 to 4.9.15) .
35) Regional workshop on “MATLAB and its applications”, Organized by PG and Research department of Mathematics, Government arts college, Chidambaram. (16.10.15)
36) A short term course on “Math with MATLB”, Organized by department of Mathematics and Statistics, K.B.N. college, Vijayawada, Andrapradesh. (16.11.15 to 20.11.15)
37) Faculty development training program on “MA6453- Probability and Queuing theory”, Organized by IFET college of engineering, Gangarampalayam, Villupuram. (27.11.15 to 03.12.15).
38) International conference on “Applied Mathematical models-2016”, Organized by department of Mathematics, PSG Technology, Coimbatore. (05.01.16).
39) Regional seminar on “Cloud computing and Big data analysis”, Organized by department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University. Enathur, Kanchipuram. (29.01.16).
40) Regional seminar on “Simulation of cloud computing protocol”,Organized by department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (25.02.16).
41) A regional “Quality Enrichment program-I”, Organized by department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (24.03.16).
42) Special seminar on “Salient aspects of NAAC”, Organized by department of Mechanical engineering, SCSVMV University. (25.03.16)
43) International conference on “Emerging trends in electronics communication and computing technology”, Organized by department of ECE, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram. (05.05.16 to 06.05.16).
44) International conference on “Technology, engineering and science”, Organized by C. Abdul Hakeem college of engineering, Mel Visharam, Vellor.(27.07.16 to 28.07.16).
45) International seminar on “Power sums and univariate distribution”, Organized by department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, Under the auspicious of Shakara Ganitha Sastra Parishad. Enathur, Kanchipuram. (02.09.16).
46) A regional “Quality enrichment program-II”, Organized by department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, Under the auspicious of Shakara Ganitha Sastra Parishad. Enathur, Kanchipuram. (20.09.16).
47) State level workshop on “Applications of statistical tools using R-Language- a hands on training”, Organized Department of Mathematics, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College (An Autonomous Institution – Affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore)Re- Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade. – Kalapatti Road, Coimbatore.(23.09.16)

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