SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya


M.Sc., M.Phil.,

Her Area of Interest lies in Graph Theory

Engineering Mathematics (I, II, III, IV)
Discrete Mathematics
Probability & Queuing Theory
Probability Theory & Random Process
Numerical Methods
Numerical Methods & Statistics
Operation Research


1) Presented a paper entitled “Teaching Mathematics with Innovative Techniques”,
2) in International Conference on Mathematical Learning and Teaching Techniques at Loyola college , Chennai on July 23-25,2012.
3) Presented a paper entitled “A Queueing Model for Out-patient Management in a Hospital ”, in Second International Conference on Stochastic Modelling and Simulation, Vel Tech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Technical University, Chennai, on Dec 17-19, 2012.
4) Presented a paper entitled “Waiting Line Models”, in Sixth National Conference on Mathematical Techniques and Applications at SRM University,Chennai on Jan 6-7,2014
5) Presented a paper entitled “ Solving Fuzzy Transportation Problem in Industrialization with Restricted Constraints”, in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Humanities,Saveetha Engineering College,Chennai on 11th April 2014.
6) Presented a paper entitled “ GPS Control Networks and its Gross Error Detection using Graph Theory”, in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Humanities,Saveetha Engineering College,Chennai on 11th April 2014.
7) Presented a paper entitled “ Optimal Solution of an Intuitionistic Fuzzy Transporation Problem” in the International Conference on Mathematical and Stochastical Analysis and its Applications, D.G.Vaishnava College, Chennai, on 18-20 December 2014.
8) Presented a paper entitled “A Comparative Study of Analysis of an Electrical Circuit Using Graph Theory and Circuit Lab”,” in the International Conference on Frontier Areas of Physics, SCSVMV University Chennai, 18-19 December 2014.
9) Presented a Paper entitled, “Application of Triangular Intuitionistic Fuzzy Number in Fuzzy MCDM” in the International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering , VIT Chennai on December 14-15,2015.
10) Presented a Paper entitled, “Application of Hexagonal Fuzzy Number in Confidence and Risk Analysis of Fuzzy MCDM” in National Conference on Mathematical Techniques and its Applications-2016, SRM University, Chennai, on 4-5 January 2016.


1) K.Pramila, S.Vijayabarathi, J.Sengamalaselvi, “A Queueing Model for Out-patient Management in a Hospital ”, Proceedings of second International Conference on Stochastic Modelling and Simulation, Vel Tech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Technical University, Chennai, ISBN NO: 978-81-925286-4-9, Pg. No: 180-183. December 2012.
2)S.Vijayabarathi, K.Pramila, J.Sengamalaselvi, “Teaching Mathematics with Innovative Techniques”, International Journal of Computing Algorithm,Vol 02, Oct-2013 Pg: 299-304, ISSN NO: 2278-2397.
3)K.Pramila,G.Uthra,“Optimal Solution of An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Transportation Problem”, Annals of Pure And Applied Mathematics, ISSN: 2279-087X (P), 2279-0888(online) ,Volume 8, No.2, Dec-2014, P.No: 67-73.
4)K.Pramila, K.Kanchana, S.Balaji, “A Comparative Study of Analysis of an Electrical Circuit Using Graph Theory and Circuit Lab”, Indian Journal Of Science, Mar 2015, 14(40) , 1-12.
5)K.Pramila,G.Uthra,“Application of Hexagonal Fuzzy Number in Confidence and Risk Analysis of Fuzzy MCDM ”,Global Journal of Pure And Applied Mathematics, (Scopus Indexed) ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 12,Number 1 PP 261-266 (2016).
6)V.Anitha, K.Pramila, Solving Transportation Problem Under Fuzzy Environment Using Hexagonal Fuzzy Number, Proceedings of International Conference on Data Analytics and Mathematical Modelling, AVIT Chennai, ISBN: 978-93-81208-72-4, P.No: 163-167, May 2016.
7)V.Anitha, K.Pramila, Solving Fuzzy Transportation Problem Using New Ranking Technique, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in Technology, Engineering and Science’, C. Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and Technology, Vellore , ISBN: 978-93-5258-740-7 P.No: 1-5, July 2016.
8)K.Pramila, G.Uthra, “ Application of Fuzzy Decision Making with Multiple Criteria in Ranking Natural Radioactivity Levels of Beach Sediments” , Indian Journal of Science and Technology” ( Scopus Indexed) , ISSN (Print) 0974-6846, ISSN (Online) 0974-5645, Volume 9, Issue 40, October 2016.

Seminars and Workshops

1)Attended “Faculty Development Programme for Educators”,organized by Department of Science and Humanities on 18-19 February, 2012, at SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram.
2)Attended “National Conference on Mathematical Modeling-2012”, NCMM-2012, on 23-24 February, 2012, at Annamalai University.
3)Attended a Lecture on “Elliptic Curve Cryptography” in the National Mathematics Day Celebration, organized by Department of Science and Humanities on 29th February, 2012, at SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram.
4)Attended “Second National Conference On Advances In Differential Equation And Applications” on 29-30 March, 2012, at Periyar University, Salem.
5)Participated in the “Workshop On Linear Programming with Excel” on 23-24 April, 2012, at SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram.
7)Participated in the “National Workshop On Mathematical And Computational Modeling” on 27-28 April, 2012, at Jeppiar Institute of Technology.
8)Attended the workshop on “Writing Scientific Proposals and Papers for Quality Research” Organized by the department of S&H, SCSVMV University,on 14th Feb-2013.
9)Attended the workshop on Graph Theory and Petrinets –A Recent Trend in intelligent computing organized by Division of Mathematics,VIT Chennai on 22nd February 2013.
10)Attended a Lecture on “Application of Mathematics to Computer Vision and Machine learning ” in the National Mathematics Day Celebration, organized by Department of Science and Humanities on 28th January 2013, at SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram.
11)Attended a workshop on “Matlab and its application” organized by Department of Mathematics on 6th Sep-2013 at SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram.
12)Participated in Orientation Programme conducted by UGC-Academic Staff College, University of Madras during 05.11.2013-2.12.2013
13)Attended National workshop on LaTeX for Researchers organized by Department of Mathematics on 15-16 Feb-2014 at SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram.
14)Attended a National Conference on Advances in Chemical Science and Engineers, organized by Department of Chemistry on 6th-7th March 2014, at SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram.
16)Participated in One Day Workshop on Matlab and its Applications (Level-II) organized by Department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram on 8th March , 2014.
17)Participated in National Workshop on MATLAB programming organized by Department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram on 28th November, 2014.
18)Participated in Oneday User Awareness Programme on Shodhganga and Anti- Plagiarism Software, organized by SCSVMV University Library, on 26th March, 2015.
19)Attended “ National Workshop on Math with Open Source Software” conducted by Dept. of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, on 4-5 September, 2015.
20)Attended Two day workshop on “ Role of Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry in Engineering Generation” Dept. of Chemistry, SCSVMV University, on 27-28 January, 2016.
21)Attended a Seminar on “ Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics” conducted by Dept. of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, on 29th January, 2016.
22)Attended a one day national workshop on “ Effective Teaching and Learning Methodology” conducted by Dept. of ECE, SCSVMV University, on 18th February, 2016.
23)Attended Seminar on “ Simulation of Cloud Computing Protocols” conducted by Dept. of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, on 25th February 2016.
24)Attended “ One Day Workshop on Exploration of Optimization and Fuzzy Techniques Using MATLAB” at VIT University on 12th March, 2016.
25)Attended a Quality Enrichment Programme, conducted by Dept. of Mathematics, SCSVMV University, on 24th March, 2016.
26)International seminar on “Power sums and Univariate distributions” Department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University on 02.09.2016.
27)National Seminar on Recent Advances in Physics-2016 organized by Department of Physics, SCSVMV University on 09.09.2016.
28)Participated in the Quality Enrichment Programme-II(QEP-II) at SCSVMV University, on 20.09.2016.

1)Acted as Resource person in National Workshop on Basics of MATLAB conducted in 12th October, 2015.
2)Acted as Assistant Resource Person in various MATLAB workshops.

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