SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya



M.Sc(Tech), M.S, Ph.D

His Area of Interest lies in Data Mining, Distributed Computing domain.

1) SCSVMV Deemed University – BOS Chairman
2) Organizing and coordinating various workshops, distinguished lectures, seminars and International / National conferences at department and institution level.
3) Enabling off-campus internships and placements.
4) Interaction with industries and academia in India and abroad for enhancing teaching, placements, industry grade projects and research.

Courses being handled currently
Data Mining
Data Mining Lab (conducted using the DataCamp portal –

Project Work
Natural Language Processing
Data Warehousing & Mining
Professional Ethics And Human Values
Java Programming
Java Programming Lab

Minor Research Project
Design and Development of Parallel Data Mining Algorithms using Hadoop SCSVMV University(Rs. 50,000) the duration for the project as Apr. 2011 – Sep. 2012.
For More Details Click here

R & D in data quality mining for m/s Evive analytics – Rs 1.2 Lakhs

Professional Memberships & Services:
1) IEEE Member
2) Computer Society of India (CSI) Member,
3) Member, Society for Human Resource Management, USA
4) Member, Association for Computing Machinery(ACM)
5) Member, The International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
6) Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP)
7) Member, Technical Program Committee, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications & Informatics(ICACCI- 2015)
8) Member, Editorial Board, ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems (EAPJCSIS)
9) Acted as a reviewer and Member, International Program Committee, for the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2013) held at Mysore in August 2013.
10) Program Committee Member of ICAICR-2018 CONNECTING INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY which will be held in Shimla in July 2018.



1) International– Applications of Image Processing Techniques on Palm Leaf Manuscripts- A Survey, Nagendra Panini Challa and Dr.R.Vasanth Kumar Mehta, International Conference on – “Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence(ICCSAI-2017), Department of CSE, Sree Vidya Niketan Engineering College, Tirupathi.(Indexed in Thomson Reuters)
2) International– Design of a Quality-Aware Data Capture System, R Vasanth Kumar Mehta and Shubham Verma, Second International Conference, DMBD 2017, Fukuoka, Japan, July 27 – August 1, 2017, Pages: 275-282. (Springer) For full Text
3) International– Facilitating Enhanced User Access Through Palm-Leaf Manuscript Digitization – Challenges and Solutions, Nagendra Panini Challa and R Vasanth Kumar Mehta, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT 2017), February 2017.(IEEE Xplore)
4) International– Automatic Data Acquisition- A Major Challenge, Nagendra Panini Challa and R Vasanth Kumar Mehta, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT 2017), February 2017.(IEEE Xplore).
5) International– Metadata Schemas for Long Term Preservation of Digital Documents – A Survey, Nagendra Panini Challa and R. Vasanth Kumar Mehta, International Research Journal of Computer Science(IRJCS), January 2017.
6) International–Reliable facial recognition technique towards enhancing National Security (Abstract), R Prema, P Shanmugapriya, R Vasanth Kumar Mehta, International Conference on ADVANCES IN SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (ICASC2016), Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras, Chennai.
7) International–A Survey on the Application of Image Processing Techniques on Palm leaf Manuscript, R.Vasanth Kumar Mehta, D.Thulasi Krishna, M.DilliPrasanth Reddy, Y. Keerthi, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, March 2016, Pages:139-148.
8) INTERNATIONAL – Contradiction Analysis in Text Mining: A Fuzzy Logic Approach – B.Sankara Subramaniam and R. Vasanth Kumar Mehta – CIITCom 2012 Computational Intelligence for Information Technology & Communications – 3-4 December 2012. For full text 9) An algorithm for fuzzy-based sentence-level document clustering for micro-level contradiction analysis. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI ’12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 102-105. DOI=10.1145/2345396.2345413
10) INTERNATIONAL – Feature Selection Using Distributed Ensemble Classifiers for Very Large Datasets- R. Vasanth Kumar Mehta and S. Rajalakshmi-4th International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology – ICECT 2012 , 6-8 April 2012.
11) INTERNATIONAL – International Conference on Info. And Communication Technology – “XML as a preferred method of representation towards ensuring better Data Quality” Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai 16.12.2010 to 17.12.2010
12) NATIONAL – DST Sponsored National Conference on Applications of Data Mining in National Security – “Co-operative Data Mining on Web Logs for Detecting Parameter-Tampering Attacks on Web Servers” Dept. of CSA, SCSVMV University 30.08.2010 to 31.08.2010
13) INTERNATIONAL – Information Systems & Software Engineering (ICISSE 09)- “Learning Management System E-Guru and Sankara School of Education and Learning Objects” Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College, Chennai 28.12.2009 to 30.12.2009
14) NATIONAL – Emerging Trends and Challenges in Higher Education in India School of Education,SCSVMV University 21.08.2009 15) National Conference on Digitization and Digital Preservation – “LONG TERM PRESERVATION OF ELECTRONIC PUBLICATIONS – GUARANTEEING ACCESS THROUGH ADOPTION OF XML-BASED OPEN DOCUMENT FORMATS” – Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre (DESIDOC)-DRDO New Delhi- 11.12.2008 to 12.12.2008.
16) Mobility In Higher Education In India – Article in CSI-Adhyayan – For Full Text Click Here
17) Auto-Mobile Vehicle Direction in Road Traffic Using Artificial Neural Networks B.SankaraSubramanian, R.Vasanth Kumar Mehta and N. Kumaran, SCSVMV University, India – Third International Conference on Advances in Computing & Information Technology (ACITY 2013), July 27, 2013, Chennai, India. For Full Text Click Here
18) Presented Paper in the Research Colloquium 2013 Paper titled “Development of Parallel Data Mining Algorithms using HADOOP ” On 25 March 2013 Organized by SCSVMV University.
19) Vasanth Kumar R Mehta and S Rajalakshmi. Article: Semantic Integrity Constraint Rule Discovery and Outlier Detection in Relational Data as a Data Quality Mining Technique. International Journal of Computer Applications 88(6):23-26, February 2014. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
For full text Click Here


1)INTERNATIONAL – Experiences in developing Learning Management System E-Guru and Content production Acquisition, Creation of Learning Objects in Sankara School of Education and Learning – Asian Journal of Information Technology 8 (2);47-54 , 2009

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