SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya
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Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)


Dr. K.P. Roshini,
Professor/Department of Ayurveda,
Chair Person/ICC
Mob : +91-9092050927

The Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act.2013 was passed by the Parliament of India. The Act provides protection against Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for the matters connected thereof with or incidental there to.According to the Supreme Court guideline, Sexual harassment can be defined as “unwelcome” sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implication) as:

  1. Physical contact and advances;
  2. Demand or request for sexual favours;
  3. Sexually coloured remarks;
  4. Showing pornography; and
  5. Other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature. (Vishaka judgment by Supreme Court)

Why ICC?

It is formed according to the provisions of the POSH ACT-Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act of 2013, 9thDecember 2013 (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal). It is also mentioned in University Grants Commission (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015 -2ndMay2016.

What is ICC?
The POSH Act demanded an ICC be made at all workplaces for the redressal of sexual harassment cases.
Functions of ICC:

  • To prevent sexual harassment at workplace.
  • To prevent discrimination and sexual harassment against girls by promoting gender amity among students and employees
  • To conduct periodical programmes on women empowerment.
  • To provide conducive environment and congenial atmosphere for women.

Who can approach ICC?
Any aggrieved woman who has suffered harassment at workplace can approach ICC.
Aggrieved woman includes :
a. Woman who is an employee, or
b. Someone visiting workplace, or
c. Student
Note: A legal heir or a person prescribed can make a complaint on behalf of the woman, if the aggrieved is unable to do so on account of physical, mental capacity or death.

Internal Complaint Committee

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya (SCSVMV) treats everyone with dignity and respect and is committed to providing safe academic and working environment to all students and employees. It strongly believes that

“यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवताः” ॥

– Where Women are honored…Divinity blossoms there.

Internal Complaint Committee has been constituted according to the provisions of the PoSH ACT- Protection of women from Sexual Harassment at workplace Act of 2013 (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal as mentioned in University Grants Commission (UGC) (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015.


  • To develop a policy against sexual harassment of women at the Institute.
  • To uphold the commitment of the Institution to provide an environment, free of gender- based discrimination.
  • To take consistent action for prevention, prohibition and redressal of complaints received regarding sexual harassment and gender discrimination of women personnel at the workplace.
  • Deal with cases of discrimination and sexual harassment against women, in a time bound manner, aiming at ensuring support services to the victimized and termination of the harassment.
  • To promote social and psychological environment that will raise awareness about sexual harassment.
  • Recommend appropriate punitive action against the guilty.
  • Prevention of discrimination and sexual harassment against women.

With the goal to achieve the above-mentioned objectives, ICC of SCSVMV:

  • Helps the women and girls in the organization to identify their inner strengths.
  • Creates and Supports Safety & Wellness framework by revitalizing the Indian culture.
  • By being reflective, creative, and collaborative in our practices to help our women staff and students evince the right response.

ICC respects the confidentiality and privacy of individuals reporting any grievance and the accused to the extent possible. Due Care will be taken to see that complainant, witnesses and the person against whom complaint is lodged do not face victimization and discrimination during the process of enquiry.

Intentionally providing false information is a ground for disciplinary action. In case of a false complaint, penalty will be levied on the complainant. All members of Mahavidyalaya – students, teaching faculty, administrative staff, house keeping staff – both contractual and permanent will come under the purview.

Complaints of sexual harassment shall be lodged with the Committee and appropriate disciplinary action will be initiated by the members in accordance to the rules and regulations of the university.

  • ICC is in place to address any complaint regarding sexual harassment in workplace or educational institution.
  • Mail your complaints to the official mail id of ICC –
  • Be assured about the confidentiality.
  • Remember – “We Are Here to Hear You”.
  • Let us all work in unity towards Prohibition, Prevention & Redressal for self & others.
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