SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya

Dr.G. Kesavan


DCE – Structural Engineering, BE – Civil Engineering, M.E -Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Ph.D – Geotechnical and structural Engineering.

His Area of Interest lies in Geotechnical Engineering, Foundation Engineering, Transportation  Engg ,Air pollution and Control Engg, Remote Sensing and GPS, Solid Waste Management , Environmental Engineering..

Foundation Engineering
Earthquake Engineering
Ground improvement Engineering
Pre-stressed Engineering
R.C.C Structure
Design of Steel Structures
Transportation Engineering
Construction Engineering
Environmental Science & Engineering
Highway Engineering
Fluid Mechanics
Soil Mechanics Laboratory.


1) 1. Kesavan, G and S.S. Chandrasekaran (2013).Investigation on Laterally and Axially loaded pile groups in Sand, Proceeding of Science, Engineering and technology (SET) Conference, VIT University, Vellore. 1)2. Kesavan, G and S.S. Chandrasekaran(2015). Geotechnical investigation, field load test and analysis of full-scale bored pile,Proceeding of National Conference on Advanced Materials, SCSVMV University, Enathur , Kancheepuram. Participated Conferences

2)INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – Participation in the conference on Deep foundation technologies for infrastructure development in India DFI- IIT,Chennai, September 18 – 19,2012.

3)INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – Participation in the conference on Deep foundation technologies for infrastructure development in India DFI- IIT,Mumbai, November 15-16,2013.

4)INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – Participation in the conference on Deep foundation technologies for infrastructure development in India DFI- IIT,Delhi September 19 – 20,2014.

5)INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – Participation in the conference on Deep foundation technologies for infrastructure development in India DFI- IIT,Bangalore September 19 – 20,2015.

6)G. Kesavan, R.Parameshwari, “Evaluation of ground water quality in Kancheepuram”, Indian journal of Environmental protection. Vol.25,pp.235, March 2005.

7)G. Kesavan, S.S. Chandrasekaran, “Factors influencing the behavior of flexible pile groups under lateral loading in soft clay”, Springer, Vol. 10.1007/s40098-015-0159-1, August, 2015, pp. 1-11.

8)G. Kesavan, S.S. Chandrasekaran, “Experimental Investigation on lateral behaviour of pile in sand”, Vol. 8(4), April, 2015, pp. 15-28

9)G. Kesavan, S.S. Chandrasekaran, “Geotechnical investigation, field load test and analysis of full-scale bored pile”, Trans Tech, Vol. 813-814 (2015), August, 2015, pp.1126-1130.

Workshops, Seminars, FDPs

1) Participation in the Seminar on Deep foundation for infrastructure development in India, September 18 -19 .2012 in Channai IIT, India.

2) Participation in the Seminar on Geotechnical issues in Coimbatore Region at Government college of Technology, Coimbatore August 24, 2013.

3) One day Seminar on “Pile foundations and Construction Management” Conducted by P T Lee C N C E T, Kanchipuram on 19th march 2014 (01 day) as The Chief Guest & Key Resource Person.

4) 1) One day Seminar on “Details of Deep foundation” Conducted by Sri Ramana Maharshi College of Engineering, Thumbi, on Sept 2015 (01 day) as The Chief Guest & Key Resource Person.

5) One day Seminar on “Enhancement of Quality at University level Organized by internal quality Assurance cell, SCSVMV University held on the 30th day of January 2015.

6) One day Seminar on “Recent Trends in Curriculum Design and Development” Conducted by SCSVMV University, Enathur on 25 Jan 2014 (01 day).

7) NATIONAL –WORKSHOP- WORKSHOP ON “Scilab” Conducted by SCSVMV University, Enathur on 9 SEP 2014 (01 day).

8) Participation in the Workshop on Deep foundation technologies for infrastructure development in India DFI- IIT,Mumbai, November 14, 2013.

9) Participation in the Workshop on Deep foundation technologies for infrastructure development in India DFI – IIT, New Delhi November 18, 2014.

10) Participation in the workshop on Deep foundation technologies for infrastructure development in India DFI- IIT, Bangalore September 18 – 2015.

11) Participated in the Two day workshop on Project Management held during October 21,22,2015 at VIT University, Vellore.

12) Participated in India-US Workshop on Pile Foundation Organised by School of Building Science. January 24 2015 at VIT University, Vellore.

13) Participated in the one day workshop “Pollution & its Monitoring ” Conducted by SCSVMV University, Enathur on 31 Mar 2015 (01 day).

14) Participated in the One day Workshop on Writing of Proposals for Funded Projects, SCSVMV University held on the 29th August 2016.

15) Participated in the two day Workshop on Bridge Engineering, SCSVMV University held on the 5th April 2016.

National Summit
Refrsher Course