SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya

Anti Ragging




  • Anti Ragging undertaking by Students and Parents/Guardians – Online Form
  • 24 X 7 Anti Ragging Helpline – Contact Details
  • Ragging Related Circulars by – UGC (University Grant Commission)
  •  Curbing of Ragging in Higher educational Institutions – UGC Regulation
  •  Affidavit by student
  • Affidavit by parents


    1) Ragging in any form is treated as cognizable offence.

    2) Ragging in the perverse forms has the effect of dehumanization of the individual affecting him/her self-esteem.

    3) Ragging in any form is banned in the Mahavidyalaya. Anyone indulging in ragging is liable to be punished appropriately.

    4) Good conduct and not indulging in any form of ragging during any semester will also be one of the criteria for session evaluation.

    5) Forms of ragging

    Display of noisy disorderly conduct, teasing, excitement by rough or rude treatment or handling, indulging in rowdy, indiscipline activities which causes or likely to cause annoyance, undue hardship, physical or psychological harm or raise apprehension or fear in a fresher, asking the students to do any act or perform something which such a student will not do in the ordinary course and which causes him/her life, to address seniors as sir or any other unusual manner, to perform mass drills, to copy class routines, to crack vulgar jokes, to do menial jobs, to answer / ask vulgar questions, to look at pornographic pictures to shock the fresher-s out of their innocence to force drink alcohol, scalding tea, to do acts with sexual overtones, to force to do acts which can lead to physical injury, to strip, kiss, etc. to take anything fearfully, to ask to bring money, any act which detracts from human dignity or violates him/her person, wrongful restraint wrongful confinement, use of criminal force, to force to bring any article and such other activities.

    6) The following places and any other places identified as vulnerable location according to the Ragging Prohibition Act shall be considered as localities of ragging. Hostel block and messes, Vacant classrooms, Canteen, Bus stand, Tea shop, Students activity centres, Play grounds, Library, Vicinity of the Institution, Students dwelling places, Apartments, Hostels, Buses, Gardens, Parks, Beaches, Railway station, Trains, Temples and such other places.

    7) Possible punishment for those who are found guilty of participation in or abetment of ragging. Cancellation of Admission, Suspending from attending classes, Withholding all benefits, Debarring from appearing in any test/examination, Withholding results, Debarring from representing the Institution, Suspension from the Hostels, Expulsion from the Institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other Institution, Fine up to Rs.25000/-, Rigorous imprisonment up to three years.