SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya


Qualification: B.Com, M.B.A, M.Phil (2008), Ph.D
Area of interest: Behavioural Finance, Financial Inclusion, Banking, Capital Markets


Funded Projects
One year Minor funded project on “Access to financial inclusion – A Study with special reference to Kanchipuram District” by SCSVMV, Kanchipuram, 2012

Accounting for Managers
Company Law
Corporate Finance
Emerging trends in financial markets and
International Trade and finance
Corporate Finance
Legal Aspects of Banking
Merchant Banking
Strategic Cost Management

A Study on testing of efficient market hypothesis with special reference to selective indices in the global context: an empirical approach”, Researchers world – journal of arts science & commerce research (RW-JASCR) (Indexed Journal) International, ISSN NO: 2229-4686, January 2011,Volume I. Issue.2.PP 17-32, Impact Factor(GIF) : 0.479

A Study on testing the financial performance indicators of select companies with special reference to Indian tyre industry: A Comparative Approach, International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research (IJBEMR), ISSN NO:2229-4848, March 2011, Vol. 2. Issue 3 PP 89 – 108

A study on measuring the performance of Indian banking sector in the event of recent global economic crisis”- An Empirical view”,, International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management (IJRCM),(Indexed Journal), International, ISSN NO 2231-4245, May 2011, Vol.1 issue.1,PP 106-109, The Index Copernicus Impact Value, which is based on a 10-point scale, assigned a value of 5.09.

Role of Information Technology in Enhancing the effective functioning of Indian financial system”: An Empirical Study, International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business Systems (IJECBS),(Indexed Journal),, International, ISSN NO 2230-8849, July 2011, Vol.1 issue 2, , Impact Factor : 1.13.

A Study on testing operating efficiency of Indian Banking Sector with special reference to select financial soundness indicators: An Empirical Approach, Asia Pacific Business Review, International, ISSN NO.4973-2470, July – September 2011, Volume V II, No. 3,PP 72-83.

A Study on measuring the financial soundness of select firms with special reference to Indian Steel Industry – An empirical view with Z score, Asian Journal of Management Research (Indexed Journal and Impact factor 4.3), International, ISSN NO. 2229-3759, January 2011, vol1.no1 PP724-735, Impact factor 4.3

A Study on impact of globalization for the recent development of Indian Capital market, Zenith International Journal of Multi disciplinary research,(Indexed Journal), International, ISSN NO 2231-5780, January 2012, Vol.2 .Issue 1,PP 435-446, GIF 0.503

An Empirical Event Study on Possibilities to Earn Superior Risk Adjusted Returns of Selected Stocks by trading on earning announcements” in Indian journal of finance, Indian journal of finance, (Indexed and Impact factor 4.1), National , ISSN NO 0973-8711, , feb 2011, Volume 5. no.2.PP 10-14, The Index Copernicus Impact Value, which is based on a 10-point scale, assigned a value of 5.09 to Indian Journal of Finance

A Technical view on speculative approach of price behaviour of select bank scripts in Bombay stock exchange (BSE): an empirical study, , Indian Journal of commerce & Management Studies (IJCMS) (Indexed Journal), National, ISSN NO 2229-5674, march 2011, Volume II, issue – 2.PP 94-109,

A study on performance of select index with special reference to Indian stock market: an analytical approach,, Nehru Journal of Management and research, National, ISSN NO. 2230-7974, February 2011, vol1.no1 PP 115-119.

Micro finance – a gate way to financial inclusion and inclusive growth in the Indian context, Asia pacific journal of research in Business management (APJRBM), (Indexed Journal), International, ISSN NO: 2229-4104, July, 2011, Volume 2, Issue 7,PP 115-163,

A Study on recent mergers and its impact on the script price return – empirical evidence from the Indian context , ARASH – A journal of ISMDR,(Indexed journal), National, ISSN NO:2231 – 2072, January 2012, Vol. 2 No. 1,PP 84-91.

Inclusive growth – a fundamental approach towards socio-economic well being, International journal of marketing, financial services & management, International, ISSN NO:2277-6788, January 2012, vol1.no1, PP 112-122, Global Impact Factor (2012) of journal IJMFSMR is 0.468.

Determinants of equity price behavior – An empirical study , SIMS Journal of applied management & research, National, ISSN NO: 2278-3326, July 2012, vol1.no1 PP 61-67.

CRM Practices and its impact on customer satisfaction with special reference to banking industry , JMS – Journal of management and science, National, ISSN NO:2249-1260, June 2012, Vol.1 special issue IV PP 202-215

Impact of investors ratios on dividend decisions with special reference to select cement companies in India – an analytical study, South Asian journal of management (paper accepted for publications), International, ISSN NO:0971-5428, September 2012, Vol.19.issue.3 PP 68-85,

Testing of random walk behavior – an empirical study with special reference to select sectoral stocks in BSE, International journal of applied business management perspectives , International, ISSN NO:2279-0896, July 2012, vol1.no1 PP 09-12,

Impact of financial strength on leverage: a study with special reference to select companies in india, Abhinav International Monthly Refereed Journal of Research In Management & Technology, International, ISSN NO:2320-0073, May’13, Volume II. Issue 05 PP 34-38, ImpactFactor 0.0812 (2012)

Impact of FII on the Indian stock market: study with special reference to Bse-Sensex, Abhinav national monthly refereed journal of research in commerce & management, National, ISSN NO:2277-1166, April 2013, volume No.2, Issue No.4 PP , Impact Factor by GISI 0.5051(2011),0.9670 (2012)

Determinants of Capital Structure with specialreference to Indian Pharmaceutical sector: panel data analysis, Journal of Commerce and Accounting research, National, ISSN NO: 2277-2146, Vol.2 Issue 4 (October 2013)

Testing the efficiency of Indian Stock market: Empirical evidence from BSE, Asia – Pacific Finance and Accounting Review , International, ISSN NO:2319-7218, Vol.1 Number 3 (April – June 2013).

Tracing the Linkages among the Stock Market, SCMS Journal of Indian Management , Indian, ISSN NO:0973-3167, Volume X Number 4 (October – December 2013)

A Study on Estimation of Beta and its reliability, Global Vistas, Indian, ISSN NO:0975-2110, Vol 12 (December 2013)

A Study on Investors’ Behavior towards Equity and Mutual Funds, Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective, International, ISSN 2319 – 7285, Vol. 3, No. 4(2014), pp 132-136.

“A Study on Influence of Demographic Factors on the Behavior of Individual Investors with special reference to Investment in Equity”, Ge-International Journal of Management Research Volume -2, Issue -9 (September 2014) IF-3.142, International, ISSN: (2321-1709), pp 77-88.

Risk Takers Vs Risk Averters – A Study with special reference to Investors’ Behaviour, International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management, Volume 2,Issue 7, Aug-2014,International, ISSN (Online): 2348-3954,ISSN (Print): 2349-2546,pp 115-122

“A Study on Influence of psychological Factors on Investor Behaviour in Equity Investment”, Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research, Vol.3, No.10 October 2014 ISSN 2249-7315, pp 58-65

“Factors influencing the rural mass to have bank account: a study with special reference to kanchipuram district”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Management Studies (IJIRMS) ISSN (Online): 2455-7188 Volume 1 | Issue 3 | April 2016 , pp 23-32

“A Study on Savings Pattern of Rural Households in the Select Clusters of Kanchipuram Districts” International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Volume-6, Issue-2, March-April 2016 ,ISSN (ONLINE): 2250-0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962, pp 608-615

“Discriminating Factors between the Formal and the Informal Rural Borrowers: A Study with special reference to Kanchipuram District”,Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 6, No. 6, June 2016, ISSN 2249-7315 pp. 1614-1624.

“A study on borrowing pattern of rural households in the select clusters of Kanchipuram district”, International Journal of Management Research and Review, Vol 6 Issue 4 April 2016 issue, e-ISSN 2249-7196, pp 484-495.

“A Study on Determinants of Profitability in Indian Banking Sector”, Asia-Pacific Finance and Accounting Review, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2015, ISSN NO:2319-7218

“Testing the Direct and Indirect Effect of Capital Structure on the Stock Price of the select Indian Public Sector Banks”, International Journal of Research – ANTHAALAYAH,ISSN(O)- 2350-0530, ISSN(P)- 2394-3629, Vol.5 (Iss.6):June 2017, pp 495 – 501 (UGC Approved Journal)

“Testing the combined impact of Capital Structure and Earnings per Share on the Market Value of Shares: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach with special reference to select Indian Public Sector Banks”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research ISSN: 2277 -7881,Volume 6, Issue 7(3), July 2017, pp 114 – 121 (UGC Approved Journal)

“Impact of Capital Structure on Share Price: A Study with special reference to select Indian Public Sector Banks” International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management, ISSN: 2348 –3954 (online) ISSN: 2349 –2546 (print), Volume 5,(Issue 6, Jun-2017), pp 47-50 (UGC Approved Journal)

“Impact of Earnings per Share on Share Price: A Study with Special Reference to Select Indian Public Sectors Banks” International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, ISSN (ONLINE): 2250 – 0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394 – 6962, Volume – 7, Issue – 3, May -June 2017, pp 672 – 676 (UGC Approved Journal)

Seminars/ Conference Workshops /FDP’s6
i) National2