SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya


M.Sc., M.Phil.,

Her Area of Interest lies in Graph Theory

Algebra & Calculus
Engineering Mathematics (I, II, III, IV)
Numerical Methods
Discrete Mathematics
Probability Theory & Random Process
Applied Statistics & Probability


1) Mageswari.R, SrinivasaRao.K, Sivakumar.K, Protein Similarity/Dissimilarity Using Contact Map And Matching Index, presented in the International Conference On Mathematical Sciences-2014, August 21-23, 2014, Organized by Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai and International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation at M.K. University, Madurai.
2)Mageswari.R, SrinivasaRao.K, Sivakumar.K, Prediction of Hydrophobic Core using Contact Map and Minimal Connected Dominating Sets, presented in the International Conference On Frontier Areas of Physics, Dec 18-19, 2014, Organized by Department of Physics, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram.


1) Mageswari.R, SrinivasaRao.K, Sivakumar.K, Protein Similarity/Dissimilarity Using Contact Map And Matching Index, Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, ISSN 2278-8697, Volume 3,Issue 2(2014).
2) Mageswari.R, SrinivasaRao.K, Sivakumar.K, Prediction of Hydrophobic Core using Contact Map and Minimal Connected Dominating Sets, Indian Journal of Science, 2015, 13(37), 24-28.

FDPs, Seminars, Workshops, others..

1)Attended UGC sponsored workshop on Hindi – Introduction, Conversation & Review at SCSVMV on 30.03.2009.
2)Attended a National Seminar on Graph Theory, Algorithms And Networks/Systems at SCSVMV 20th & 21st July 2009.
3)Attended a National Seminar on Emerging Trends And Challenges in the Higher Educational System in India at SCSVMV on 21.08.09.
3)Attended a National on Emerging Research Trends in Basic Sciences at SCSVMV on 19.03.2010.
4)Attended a National Conference on Network and Distributed Systems Security at SCSVMV on 21.01.2011.
5)Attended National Workshop on Modern Techniques in Analytical Chemistry at SCSVMV during 10th & 11th February 2011.
6)Participated in the Faculty Development Program (Two Days Workshop on Self Development forvEducators) at SCSVMV on 18th & 19th February 2012.
7)Participated in the National Mathematics Day Celebration and attended a Lecture on Elliptic Curve Cryptography at SCSVMV on 29th February 2012.
8)Attended National seminar on Practical Mathematics And Statistics at Sri Sankara Arts & Science College on 7th & 8th March 2012.
9)Attended an International Conference on Mathematics in Engineering and Business Management organised by Stella Maris College and Loyola Institute of Business Adminstration, Chennai during 9th & 10th March 2012.
10)Attended a workshop on Linear Programming with Excel during 23rd & 24th April 2012.
11)Attended National workshop on Mathematical and Computational Modeling at Jeppiaar Institute of Technology, Chennai during 27th & 28th April 2012.
12)Participated in the UGC sponsored Orientation Course at Academic Staff College, University of Madras, Chennai during 22nd November 2012 to 19th December 2012.
13)Participated in the National Mathematics Day Celebration and attended a Lecture on Applications of Mathematics to Computer Vision and Machine Learning at SCSVMV on 28th January 2013.
14)Participated in the National workshop on Writing Scientific Proposals and Papers for Quality Research at SCSVMV on 14th February 2013.
15)Attended a National seminar on Frontier Areas of Spectrophysics at SCSVMV on 19th & 20th December 2013.
16)Participated in the National workshop on LaTeX for Researchers at SCSVMV during 15th & 16th February 2014.
17)Participated in the Workshop on Matlab and its Applications (LevelI) at SCSVMV on 8th March 2014.
18)Acting as an assistant to the resource person in the National Workshop on Matlab Programming on 28th Nov. 2014, organized by the Department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University.
19)Participated in One-Day Seminar on Enchancement of Quality at University level on 30th January 2015, organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, SCSVMV University.
19)Participated in the National Workshop on Math With Open Source Software (NWMOSS – 2015), on 3rd & 4th September 2015, organized by the Department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University.
20)Participated in the Workshop on Matlab and its Applications on 12th October 2015, organized by the Department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University.
21)Participated in the National Workshop on Role Of Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry in Energy Generation (RNRCEG – 2016) on 27th & 28th January 2016, organized by the Department of Chemistry, SCSVMV University in collaboration with Indian Association of Nuclear Chemists and Allied Scientists Southern Regional Chapter.
22)Acted as Organising Secretary for the Workshop on Math with Matlab for Researchers on 7th February 2016, organized by the Department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University.
23)Participated in the Workshop on Math with Matlab for Researchers on 7th February 2016, organized by the Department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University.
24)Participated in the One Day National workshop on Effective Teaching & Learning Methodology on 18th February 2016, organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SCSVMV University.
25)Participated in the Workshop on Effective Teaching and Learning Practices organized by the Department of Computer Science and Applications, SCSVMV University on 19th August 2016.
26)Participated in the International seminar on Power Sums and Univariate Distributions organized by the Department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University on 2nd September 2016.
27)Participated in the National seminar on Recent Advances in Physics- 2016, organized by the Department of Physics, SCSVMV University on 9th September 2016.
28)Participated in the Quality Enrichment Programme-II organized by the Department of Mathematics, SCSVMV University on 20th September 2016.

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