SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya


ME(Applied Electronics), Ph.D

Her Area of Interest lies in VLSI .

Computer Aided System Design
Wireless Communication Systems
VLSI Design
Principles of Communication
Digital Signal Processing
Digital Electronics
Analog Electronics
Microprocessor and micro controller


1) FPGA Implementation OF Frequency transmission for wire less communication Organized by Department of ECE, Annai Mathammal sheela Engineering college o 11th and 12th feb 2010. Published & Presented of International Conference proceedings
2) “Boundary Scan Testing”, Fourth International Conference on Design and Applications of Structures, Drives, Communicational and Computing Systems (ICDASDC – 2015), ISBN: 978-1-944171-34-6 .
3) “JTAG based Boundary Scan Testing, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on “Design and Application of Structures, Drives, Communicational and Computing Systems” 19th and 20th December 2014, ISBN NO: 978-93-83051-46-5.
4) “Boundary Scan Testing using JTAG, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Trends in technology and engineering” 04th Apirl 2014.
5) “A Survey of Reconfigurable Multi Standard Video Codec “, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on “Design and Application of Structures, Drives, Communicational and Computing Systems” 19th and 20th December 2014, ISBN NO: 978-93-83051-46-5.
6) “Design of Resource shared multi standard video quantization architecture”, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Trends in technology and engineering” 04th April 2014.
7) “RECONFIGURABLE MULTI STANDARD VIDEO CODEC-AN OVER VIEW”, Proceedings of the International Conference on “science, engineering and technology” 04th April 2013.


1) FPGA Implementation OF Frequency transmission for wire less communication Organized by Department of ECE, Annai Mathammal sheela Engineering college o 11th and 12th feb 2010. Published & Presented of International Conference proceedings
2) “Overview of Hardware Based Test Compression” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 2 Issue 12, December – 2013
3) “Test Coverage Analysis of Memory Cluster Testing Using JTAG” , International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 9, Number 22 (2014) pp. 11861-11869.( Annexure II – Scopus )
4) “Test Coverage Analysis of Various Circuits Using JTAG”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.42 (2015). ( Annexure II – Scopus )
5) “Test Coverage For Bscan And Non-Bscan Circuits Using JTAG” , International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology ISSN E-ISSN 0976-3945Volume VII/Issue II/April-June,2016 (Annexure I)
6) “RAM Memory Testing Using JTAG” International Journal of Control theory and Applications ISSN 0974-5572 Volume 10, (2017) pp. 33-38. ( Annexure II – Scopus )
7) “Video Codec Applications Based On Architecture Of Multi Standard Video Quantization”, International journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science ISSN 2348-7550 Volume 5 /Issue 4, April 2017.
