SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya



Assistant Professor  

Mobile No.: 9486409196
Phone : +91 44 27264301 Extn. 234 & 336

M.Phil., Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,Tirunelveli(2008)
M.Sc., Central University,Pondicherry(2004)
Ph.D- ongoing-SCSVMV

Areas of Research Intrests:
Environmental Electrochemistry
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Fuel cell catalysis

Subjects Taught:
Environmental Science & Engineering
Principles of Environmental Science
Natural Products
Chemistry in Everyday Life
Water Analysis and Treatment
Research Methodology
Advanced Electrochemistry

Synthesis, characterization and electro chemical activity of Fe2O3, International Journal of Materials Science,vol.12,2017,260-272.

Photodegradation of Crystalviolet-A parametric study,IJTRA,Vol.37,2016,38-41.

Optimization and Decolorization of textile dye with bacterial strains- International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, Vol. 5, No 1, 2016, 66 – 72.

Human ecological studies in a semi-arid village ecosystem- International Research Journal of Arts& Education, Vol(1)1,399-402.-(2014)

Biodegradation of Persistent organic pollutants-Proceedings-3rd International Science Congress (2013)

Role of gas chromatography in evaluation of bioremediation – a review – Proceedings National Seminar on Frontier Areas of Spectrophysics, (2013)

Solar Degradation of Crystal Violet- Proceedings -Racine Mathematical&Science Congress,Loyola college(2013)

Biodegradation of Bisphenol-A by BacillusCereus&Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from contaminated soil.- Proceedings -International Workshop and Conference on Renewable Energy and Climate Change- Exploring Opportunities for Sustainable Development, Madurai Kamaraj University,Madurai(2012)

Impact of industrial effluents and Sewage on river Thamirabarani and its sustainable management- Proceedings -National Conference on Environmental Pollution management and Sustainable Development- Gandhigram Rural University Gandhigram. (2006)


S.NoName of the conferenceYear/ Monthvenue
1Modern techniques in analytical chemistry2011 -FebruarySCSVMV
2National mathematics day2012SCSVMV
3UGC sponsored national workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment2012 MarchAnnamalai University
4National workshop on modern physical and chemical instrumentation2012 -MarchSCSVMV
5Int.workshop and conference on Renewable energy and climate change2012- AprilMadurai kamaraj University
6Int.conference on Advances in Envt.Sciences2012 -JulyLoyolo college, Chennai
7Nat.Mathematics day celebration2013 -JanuarySCSVMV
8Nat.workshop on writing scientific proposals and papers for quality research2013 -FebruarySCSVMV
9National workshop on Matlab.2013 -SeptemberSCSVMV
10UGC orientation programme2013 -November University of Madras
113rd Int.Science congress conference2013 – DecemberKarunya university
12Nat.seminar on Frontier areas of spectrophysics2013 -DecemberSCSVMV
13Third National Workshop on Instrumentation techniques in physics (PINTECH 2014)2014 -OctoberSCSVMV
14Int.conf on frontier areas of physics2014 – DecemberSCSVMV
15Int.con on Arts,education and contemporary studies2014 -NovemberICMR,Pondicherry
16Seminar on enhancement of quality in higher education-role of teachers2015 – JanuarySCSVMV
17Nat.workshop on Analytical techniques for chemical characterization2015 – MarchSCSVMV
18Hands on training and workshop on analytical techniques2015 -MarchSCSVMV
19One day user awareness programme on shodhganga and anti-plagiarism software2015 – MarchSCSVMV
20National workshop on Math with open source software(NWMOSS-15)2015 -SeptemberSCSVMV
21National workshop on basics of Matlab.2015 -SeptemberSCSVMV
22Fourth National Workshop on Instrumentation techniques in physics (PINTECH 2015)2015 – NovemberSCSVMV
23Nat.workshop on Role of nuclear and radiation chemistry in energy generation2016 JanuarySCSVMV
24Nat.seminar on Cloud computing and big data analytics2016 JanuarySCSVMV

International seminar on Modern synthetic chemistry applications and approaches

2016 – FebruarySCSVMV
26Special seminar on Salient aspects of NAAC2016 MarchSCSVMV
27Int.workshop on crossing the cultural divide2016 – MaySCSVMV
28Seminar on effective teaching learning process2016 – AugustSCSVMV
29Int.seminar power sums2016 – SeptemberSCSVMV
30Qualty enrichment programme-II2016 – SeptemberSCSVMV
31DST-Nat.seminar on chemistry of pulses2016 – OctoberSCSVMV
32DST-Nat.seminar on digital image processing2016 – OctoberSCSVMV
33Int.conference on sustainable development2017 – FebruaryGanesh School
34Int.conference on functional materials2017 – MarchSCSVMV
35National workshop on Micro scale Chemistry and Green Chemistry2017 -October SCSVMV
36Training programme on online lab2017 – SeptemberSCSVMV
37National Seminar On “Glimpses of Indian Space Program”(Past, Present and Future)2018 – JanuarySCSVMV
38Science Academie’s sponsored workshop on spectroscopy and microscopy2018 -JanuarySCSVMV
39Regional Knowledge conclave2018 – FebruaryMysore
40International conference on EIS and Electrochemistry2019 -JanuaryCECRI
41National Knowledge conclave on Environment2019 -MarchAnil Agarwal Environmental Institute, Rajasthan

Invited Talks:

Delivered a talk on Plastic waste management in the NSS camp programme during March-2019.
Delivered a lecture in career guidance in the Department of Chemistry on the title 1.What Interests You 2.Tailor your Talk during March 2019.
Delivered a lecture on E-waste and their Management in Green Cell, SCSVMV -2016
Demonstration on Electrochemical workstation in Nat.workshop on Analytical Techniques for Chemical Characterization-2015.
Delivered a lecture on Autolab and its Importance in Analytical Techniques Demonstration organized by Dept.of Chemistry (SCSVMV) on 25-02-2015/ 26-02-2015 &05-03-2015.
Delivered a lecture on The Need for environmental education and the environmental status of Kanchipuram in school of Education (SCSVMV), jointly organized by CPR foundation,Chennai on 07-06-2014.

Other Activities
External Examiner for Central University, Pondicherry (2015 onwards)
Question paper setter for other University (2017 onwards)

Administrative Profile:
Member-Anti Ragging Committee
Additional Coordinator-University Green cell.
Editorial Board member for University Publication committee-2015 onwards.
Member-University VIP Hospitality Committee (2010 onwards).
M.Phil Coordinator
In charge-Chemistry UG, PG, M.Phil., admissions planning.
In charge –
Dept.LMS- incharge.(2014 onwards)
Coordinator-Students Attaendance (B.Sc,M.Sc&M.Phil.,)-2016 onwards.
Co-opted member-BOS-2018.
Editorial Board member for Vision of Science-2015-2017.
Org.Sec-National Science Day celebration-2017.
Coordinator- Dept. website creation(2015-2017)
Org.Sec., DST-SERB, GOI sponsored National conference on Chemistry of Pulses, organized by Dept. of Chemistry, SCSVMV University during 20th – 21st Oct 2016.
Member-Scrutinize the study material for Academic year 2014&2015.
Dept.level member for Chandrika- 2009-2016.
Coordinator for a lecture on World Ozone Day celebration on 15-09-15.
Member-BOS (2015)
Received a certificate of Appreciation for scrutiny and evaluation of PBAS for Academic Year 2015.
Organizing member for conducting special lecture to B.Sc Students on 21,23, 24,28,29,&30-09-15.
Created web page for Consultancy Services (2015) &Created Consultancy requisition form for the users.
Prepared a log book & Mentor for Dept.Chemistry during 2014.
Coordinator-Timetable- I Year B.E./B.Tech, SCSVMV University, 2010-2014.
Member-University disciplinary committee-2010-2014.
Organizing member for National Science Day celebration-(2009-2016)
Event organizer- Tarunyam &Talent Fest (2009 onwards)