SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya


B.E. (CIVIL ENGINEERING), M.E. (Environmental Engineering), Ph.D. (Her Area of Interest lies in Environmental Engineering).



Awards Received


Received NPTEL Discipline Star award by IIT-Madras in 2021.
Received Best paper award in Conference SMiGT 2021 by Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
Received Best paper award in Conference Recent Advances in Sustainable Construction Technologies and Environment, (ICRASE-2022)” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology,Chennai.

Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
Applied Hydraulics & Machineries
Construction Engineering
Construction Management
Basic Civil Engineering
Environmental Engineering – I
Environmental Engineering – II
Air Pollution Management
Environmental Science & Engineering
Highway Engineering
Water Supply Engineering
Wastewater Engineering
Solid Waste Management
Environmental Health Engineering
Environmental Pollution & Management
Repairs & Rehabilitation of Structures
Strength of Materials Laboratory
Concrete & Highway Engineering Laboratory
Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Environmental Design and Drawing

Publications in Journals

1. R.Sumathi “Behaviour of Glass fiber Wrapped Concrete Columns under Uniaxial Compression” International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, Volume 01, Issue 01, 2010. PP.No 74–83, ISSN 0976–3945.

2. R.Sumathi “A Study and Analysis on waste plastic –Fibre utilization in Roads” International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2013, PP.No 09-11, ISSN NO: 2249-8974.

3. R.Sumathi “Utilization of Sludge in the production of bricks” The Intenational Journal of Science and Technoledge, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2015. PP. No 54-56, ISSN NO: 2321-919X.

4. R.Sumathi “Impact of dyeing industrial effluent on groundwater quality in and around Ayyampettai” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2016. PP. No 907-913, ISSN NO: 2395-0072.

5. R.Sumathi “Study and analysis in making of bricks using construction debris” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Issue 12, 2016, PP.No 1536-1542, ISSN NO:: 2395-0072.

6. R.Sumathi “Assessment of treated effluent from dyeing industry using Pungan leaves as adsorbent” International Journal of Applied Research, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, PP.No 214-219.

7. R.Sumathi “A Correlation and Regression Study for Ground Water Samples in and Around Dyeing Industry”, International Journal of ChemTech Research, Volume10, Issue.6, 2017, PP No 416-424, ISSN No: 0974-4290.

8. R.Sumathi “Assessment of WQI for Groundwater Samples Near Dyeing Industry in Ayyampettai Village, Kanchipuram” International Educational Applied Sciences Research Journal,Volume 2, Issue 11, Nov 2017, ISSN: 2456-5040.

9. R.Sumathi “Design of Sewage Treatment Plant In University Campus” International Journal For Research & Development In Technology, Volume-9, Issue-5, May-18, ISSN: 2349-3585.

10. R.Sumathi and G.Sriram “Susceptibility Level on Plant Species on the Basis of Air Pollution Tolerance Index in Kanchipuram Town” International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 10, Issue Oct Nov18, PP. No 2319-8613, ISSN No: 0975-4024.

11. R.Sumathi “A Study and Analysis of Waste Water in Sewage Treatment Plant at S.C.S.V.M.V Campus” International Journal of Advance Civil Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Issue 1 2018, PP. No 3950.

12. R.Sumathi “Study of Traffic Flow at a Busy Intersection in Kanchipuram, India” International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Volume 7, Issue4, April 2019, PP. No 501-508, ISSN No: 2321-9637.

13. R.Sumathi and G.Sriram “Study on Air Pollution Tolerance Level of Selected Tree Species in the Holy Town of Kanchipuram” Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 2, June 2019, PP. No 385 394, ISSN No: 0972-3005.

14. R.Sumathi and G.Sriram “Bio-monitoring of Atmospheric Heavy Metals Deposited on Selected Tree Leaves in Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu” Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2020, PP. No 426-431, ISSN No: 0976-0245.

15. R.Sumathi and G.Sriram “Tree Leaves as Bio Indicators for Monitoring Atmospheric Heavy Metals in Kanchipuram Town” RASAYAN Journal of Chemistry, Volume 14, Issue 1, February 2021, PP. No 179-185, ISSN No: 0976-0245.

16. R.Sumathi and G.Sriram “Bio-Monitoring of Heavy Metals Accumulation in Plants Growing at Kanchipuram Town, Tamilnadu” Pollution Research, Volume 40, Issue 3, August 2021, PP. No 790-795 , ISSN No: 0257–8050.

17. R.Sumathi and G.Sriram “Analysis of deposition of heavy metal dust on the leaves of few selected tree species in Kanchipuram town, Tamil Nadu, India” Journal of Applied and Natural Science, Volume 13, Issue 3, September 2021, PP. No 1011-1019, ISSN No: : 0974-9411.

18. R.Sumathi and G.Sriram “Heavy metal absorption in the leaves of evergreen trees (Saraca asoca and Syzygium cumini) in Kanchipuram town, Tamil Nadu, India”, Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 1100(2022), December 2022, PP 1-12, ISSN: 1755 1315.

19. R.Sumathi and G.Sriram “Comparison of Machine Learning Models in the Prediction of Accumulation of Heavy Metals in the Tree Species in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu”, Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, Volume 22(2), June 2023, PP 853-860, ISSN: 0972-6268.

NPTEL Courses /FDP attended

R.Sumathi, attended NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Program on “Environmental Remediation of Contaminated Sites” by IIT- Roorkee from 02.01.2019 to 28.04.2019.

R.Sumathi, attended NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Program on “Waste water Treatment and Recycling” by IIT-Kharagpur from 29.07.2019 to 16.11.2019

R.Sumathi, attended NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Program on “Water Supply Engineering” by IIT-Kharagpur from 27.01.2020 to 26.04.2020.

R.Sumathi, attended NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Program on “Municipal Solid Waste Management” by IIT-Guwahati from 14.09.2020 to 20.12.2020.

R.Sumathi, attended NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Program on “Plastic Waste Management” by IIT-Kharagpur from 15.12.2020 to 21.03.2021.

R.Sumathi, attended NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Program on “Sustainable Engineering Concepts and Life Cycle Analysis” by IIT-Kharagpur from 26.07.2021 to 27.09.2021. 

R.Sumathi, attended NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Program on “Air Pollution and Control” by IIT-Madras from 23.01.2023 to 30.04.2023. 

R.Sumathi, attended NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Program on “Integrated Waste Management for a Smart City” by IIT-Madras from 25.07.2022 to  30.10.2022.

Workshops/Webinars organized

R.Sumathi, organized the National Workshop on “Pollution and its Monitoring” in the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, SCSVMV University on 31/03/15.

R.Sumathi, organized the National Workshop on “Achieving Green and Sustainable Environment” in SCSVMV (Civil & SE) on 12.04.2018.

R.Sumathi, organized the National Workshop on “Environmental Pollution with GIS Applications” in SCSVMV (Civil & SE) on 12.10.2018.

R.Sumathi, organized the Webinar on “Causes and effects of Earthquakes-Case studies” in SCSVMV (Civil & SE) on 12.08.2021.
R.Sumathi, organized the Webinar on “Holistic Approach to Watershed Management Using WMIS (Watershed Management Information System)”” in SCSVMV (Civil & SE) on 14.08.2021


R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Waste Technology” organized by ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION, AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, Manipal University Jaipur from 02.11.2020 to 06.11.2020.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Sustainability Engineering” organized by ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION, AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, Kolhapur Institute of Technology’s College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kolhapur from 25.11.2020 to 29.11.2020.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Waste Valorization towards a Sustainable Environment” organized by ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION, AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, National Institute of Technology Durgapur from 14.06.2021 to 18.06.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council For Technical Education-AICTE from 28.06.2021 to 02.07.2021

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Air, Noise and Odour Pollution: Control and modeling practices” organized by ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION, AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat from 19.07.2021 to 23.07.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Air Pollution and Climate change (APCC-2021)” organized by ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION, AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat from 20.09.2021 to 24.09.2021

Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, FDPs Attended

R.Sumathi, participated in the National Conference on “Recent trends in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology” organized by Arulmigu Meenakshi Amman College Of Engineering, Kanchipuram on 27.02.2009.

R.Sumathi, participated in the International Conference on “Ground Water” organized by SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai from 11.02.2016 to 13.02.2016.

R.Sumathi, participated in the International Conference on “Trends and Developments on ELT” organized by SCSVMV (English department) on 31.08.2016.

R.Sumathi, participated in the International Conference on “Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Built Environment” organized by the Abdhul Rahman Crescent University,Chennai from 14.03.2017 to 16.03.2017

R.Sumathi, participated in the National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Environmental Research” organized by SSN College of Engineering, Chennai on 22.07.2017.


R.Sumathi, participated in National Short Term Programme on“Capacity building of Architects in Earthquake Risk Management” organized by School of Architecture, Arulmigu Meenakshi Amman College of Engineering, Kanchipuram on 17.04.2009 to 21.04.2009.

R.Sumathi, participated in National FDP on “Autodesk Revit Architecture” organized by ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu & Department of Civil & Structural, SCSVMV UNIVERSITY from 13.06.2016 to 17.06.2016.

R.Sumathi, participated in National FDP on “Form Work Engineering” organized by Larsen & Toubro Ltd from 14.07.2016 to 15.07.2016.

R.Sumathi, participated in Hands on Training on “MAT Lab and its Applications” organized by SCSVMV (Civil & SE) on 29.08.18 & 31.08.18.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Short Term Training Program on “Recent Advances in Industrial Pollution Control” organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai from 12.11.18 to 16.11.18.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “NBA Accreditation Process” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, SCSVMV in association with NITTTR- Chennai from 02.01.19 to 04.10.19.

R.Sumathi, participated in the International Faculty Development Program on “Smart Solutions in Civil Engineering” organized by SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai-89 from 21.07.20 to 23.07.2020

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Developments In Concrete and Construction” organized by SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai-89 from 23.07.20 to 29.07.2020.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Short Term Training Programme on “Disaster Mitigation – A shift from Disaster Management towards Disaster Preparedness” organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from 07.09.2020 to 12.09.2020.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Outcome based education and NBA Accreditation Process” organized by Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur from 19.10.2020 to 23.10.2020.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advancements in Special Concretes” organized by the Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru from 26.10.2020 to 31.10.2020.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Innovations in Civil Engineering” organized by the Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru from 22.03.2021 to 27.03.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “World Education Summit 2021: Beyond Pandemic” organized by Arupadi Veedu Institute of Technology, Vinayaka Missions, Salemfrom 07.06.21 to 13.06.21.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advancements in Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering” organized by the Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru from 21.06.2021 to 25.06.2021

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Quality Education” organized by IQAC, St. Anne’s Arts and Science College, Chennai from 15.07.2021 to 16.07.2021

R.Sumathi, participated in the Short Term Training Programme on “Disaster Risk Management” organized University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli from 29.11.2021 to 04.12.2021

R.Sumathi, participated in the Induction Programme on “Value based education System – current and future scenario” organized AICTE-ISTE sponsored Induction Program-Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai from 13.12.2021 to 18.12.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Short Term Training Programme on “Design of the Time series models and its applications on Disaster Management and Mitigation”, organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai in Association with Nicmar from 21.02.2022 to 25.02.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development  Program on “Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Civil Engineering”, organized by Seshadri Rao Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Andra Pradesh from 20.02.2023 to 25.02.2023.

R.Sumathi, participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Sustainable Repair and Rehabilitation of Constructed Facilities”, organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, from 06.03.2023 to 10.03.2023.

Workshops Attended

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Summer School 2004 on Environmental Engineering” organized by C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and Technology on 06.05.2004 to 07.05.2004.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Environment and Pollution Awareness” organized by G.K.M.College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai 18.08.2004.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on” Micro and Nanotechnology – Advances and implication organized by SCSVMV University, on 21.03.2008 to 22.03.2008.

R.Sumathi, participated in the International Workshop on “Applications of Geomatics in Natural Disaster Management” organized by VIT University, Vellore from 07.04.2010 to 08.04.2010.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainable Materials” organized d by Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumpudur on 18.10.2012.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Innovative, Cost Effective Materials and Modern Techniques in Civil Engineering” organized by SCSVMV University from 13.09.2012 to 14.09.2012.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “MATLAB and its Applications” organized by SCSVMV University on 06.09.2013.
R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Recent Trends of Remote Sensing & GIS in Surveying” organized by Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, SCSVMV University from 14.02.2014 to 15.02.2014.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Recent trends in Curriculum Design and Development” organized by SCSVMV University on 25.10.2014.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “SCI Lab Training” organized by SCSVMV University on 09.09.2014.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Advances in Geospatial and Stimulation Models for Earthquake and Disaster studies” organized by SRM University, Kattankalathur , Chennai on 27.09.2014.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Coastal Zone Degradation in the Coastal Regions of TamilNadu” organized by Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India at Loyola College, Chennai on 31.01.2015.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Pollution and its Monitoring” organized by Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, SCSVMV University on 31.03.2015.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Analytical Challenges for Chemical and Environmental Engineers” organized by SRM University, Chennai on 16.10.2015 to 17.10.2015.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Public Awareness Programme on Building Damages and Repair” organized by Institute of Engineers, Chennai on 09.09.2015.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Effective Teaching & Learning Methodology” organized by ECE Department, SCSVMV University on 18.02.2016.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Union Budget of India” organized by Department of Management Studies, SCSVMV University on 2.02.2016

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Bridge Designing” organized by Department of Civil & Structural, SCSVMV University from 04.04.2016 to 05.04.2016.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “How to write and publish effective research papers in SCI Journals” organized by S.A. Engineering College, Chennai on 21.10.2016.

R.Sumathi, participated in Workshop on “Investment Avenues and their Tax benefits” organized by SCSVMV (MBA) on 27.03.2018.

R.Sumathi, organized and participated in National Workshop on “Achieving Green and Sustainable Environment” organized by SCSVMV (Civil & SE) on 12.04.2018.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Research Grant through Funding Agencies” organized by SCSVMV (Civil & SE) on 22.08.2018.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Art of Thesis Writing” organized by Rehoboth Academic Services at Madras Management Association, Chennai.

R.Sumathi, organized and participated in National Workshop on “Environmental Pollution with GIS Applications” organized by SCSVMV (Civil & SE) on 12.10.2018.

R.Sumathi, participated in International Workshop on “Smart and Sustainable Green Infrastructure” organized by B.S Abdur Rahaman Cresent Deemed to be University in association with University Teknologi, Mara from 03.04.19 to 04.04.19

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Total Organic Carbon Analysis of Solid and Liquid samples” organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai in association with M/s Swan Environmental Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad on 28.02. 20

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “The Art of Technical Writing” organized by Jyothi Engineering College, Thrissur-Indian Society For Technical Education-JECC Chapter from 07.08.2020 to 08.08.2020.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “Quality Assessments and Accreditation in HEIs”, organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from 27.06.2022 to 28.06.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Workshop on “NPTEL E-Awareness”, organized by SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram on 17.07.2023


R.Sumathi, participated in National Seminar on “Recent Advances in water resources planning and management” organized by Annamalai University on 08.03.2003 to 09.03.2003.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Seminar on “Enhancement of Quality in Higher Education – Role of Teachers organized by IQAC, SCSVMV University on 30.01.2015.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Seminar on “National Level Seminar on Research Techniques” organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SCSVMV University on 26.02.2016.

R.Sumathi, participated in the International Seminar on “Power Sums and Uni vert Distributions” conducted by the Department of Mathematics SCSVMV University, on 02/09/16.

R.Sumathi, participated in the National Seminar – “Internal Quality Assurance” organized by Department of Information Technology, SCSVMV University on 12.08.2016.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Physics – 2016 In collaboration with Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT)” organized by Department of Physics, SCSVMV University on 09.09.2016.

R.Sumathi, participated in the International Seminar on “Trends in Urban Planning, Sustainable Development and Environment Management” organized by SRM University on 15.11.2017.

R.Sumathi, participated in “Awareness Program on Intellectual Property Rights and Patents” organized by SCSVMV (ECE) on 22.02.2018.

R.Sumathi, participated in Awareness Program on “Intellectual Property Rights” organized by SCSVMV (Mech) on 13.04.2018.

R.Sumathi, participated in Awareness Programme on “Research Grant Through Funding Agencies” organized by SCSVMV (Civil & SE) on 22.08.2018.

R.Sumathi, participated in Awareness Programme on “Handling, Management and Recycling of Biomedical waste” organized by the Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology on 04.07.2020.

R.Sumathi, participated in a Webinar on “Climate Changes – Role of Engineers” organized by Adithya Institute of Technology and Engineering Council of India, New Delhi on 17.07.2020.

R.Sumathi, participated in a Webinar on “A case study on Alternative Construction Technologies” organized by Adithya Institute of Technology and Engineering Council of India, New Delhi on 29.07.2020.

R.Sumathi, participated in a Webinar on “Waste to Wealth: A sustainable building materials for construction” organized by Ultra Tech Cement Ltd on 03.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in a Webinar on “Patent Drafting And Technical Article Writing” organized by ECE Department, SCSVMV on 26.04.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in a Webinar on “Green materials for Construction-Way Forward” organized by Ultra Tech Cement Ltd on 14.05.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in a Webinar on “Municipal Solid Waste Management in India” organized by SVCE, Siperumpuduron 01.06.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in a Webinar on “Ecological Restoration of Coovam River for Singara Chennai” organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai on 05.06.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in a Webinar on “Impact of Climate Change” organized by SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai on 05.06.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in a Webinar on “Green Buildings-Healthy Communities” organized by Ultra Tech Cement Ltd on 09.07.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in a Webinar on “Introduction to Patents” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SCSVMV and SOLUTIONS 4URIP on 24.07.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in a International Webinar on “Smart Transit Stations in a Smart City” organized by SVCE, Siperumpudur on 26.08.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in a National Seminar on “Qualitative & Quantitative Metrics in RAAF of NAAC” organized by Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam, Chennai on 17.09.2021

R.Sumathi, participated in an International Webinar on “Outcome Based Education” Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Maha Vidyalaya Deemed to be University, Enathur, Kancheepuram on 21.10.2021.

R.Sumathi, participated in an National Webinar on “Live NACC software product demo-Ki NACC software”, organized by Kramah Software India Private Limited, Bangalore on 12.01.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in an International Seminar on “Environmental Impact Assessment”, organized by JIET, Jodhpur on 12.02.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Awareness Training Programme on “Intellectual Property Awareness Mission”, organized by Intellectual Property Office, India on 18.02.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Webinar on “Multimedia Enriched E-content Development for Effective Online Teaching”, organized by Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad on 01.03.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Webinar on “ Mass Spring System in all Metros”, organized by Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology, Puttur on 05.05.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Webinar on  “Marine Pollution: Action Plan for Management in Indian Context”, organized by SRM Institute of Science & Technology. Ramapuram, Chennai on 22.04.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Webinar on “Writing & Publishing Scientific Articles”, organized by SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram on 01.07.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in National Webinar on “Basics of Intellectual Property Rights”, organized by Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur on 05.08.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in State level Seminar on “National Educational Policy: Quality Enhancement and Reforms in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)”, organized by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India from 04.08.2022 to 05.08.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in an International Webinar on “The Engineer of the Future-Civil Vision 2030”, organized by Presidency University, Bengaluru on 10.08.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in an International Webinar on “Plastics in the Environment: Impacts and Management”, organized by Kumari Mangrove Foundation, Kanyakumari on 07.10.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in National level Seminar on “Step-by-Step Guidelines to Intellectual Property Rights”, organized by Rathinam College of  Arts and Science, Coimbatore and Puthran Associates, Chennai on 08.10.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in National level Seminar on “Recent Trends in Data Analytics”, organized by Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore from 20.10.2022 to 21.10.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in National level Webinar on “Water Audit”, organized by Ultra Tech Cement Ltd on 03.12.2022.

R.Sumathi, participated in National level Webinar on “Economical, Efficient Robust& Long- lasting Modern Road Technology-Thin White Topping”, organized by Ultra Tech Cement Ltd on 15.07.2023.

R.Sumathi, participated in National level Webinar on “Circular Economy for Sustainable Waste Management”, organized by Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 27.10.2023.