SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya



SNO Name of the Guide Designation Specialization View More
1 Dr.M.Senthil Kumaran Associate Professor Computer Networks Click
2 Dr.C.K.Gomathy Assistant Professor Software Engineering Click
3 Dr.R.Poorvadevi Assistant Professor Computer Networks & Soft Computing Click
4 Dr.D.Thamaraiselvi Assistant Professor Computer Architecture Click
5 Dr.V.Geetha Assistant Professor Bio- Medical Informatics Click
6 Dr.M.Saraswathi Assistant Professor Cloud Computing and Data Analytics Click
7 Dr.R.Prema Assistant Professor Artificial intelligence & Machine Learning Click

Research Colloquiums



Name of the scholar





Authentication based on trusted platform module



Mr.Duddela Sai Prashanth

Image Processing for application in Preservation and Restoration of Indian heritage



Mr.Narayanaswamy Rajendran

Fuzzy Based Load Balancing Algorithm for MANET




Fuzzy and Cross Layer Approach for Routing in MANETs




An Efficient Cryptographic Algorithm to Improve Data Security in Wireless Sensor Networks



Mr.D Antony Joseph Rajan

Identity Verification System For Cloud Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks




Cost Effective Privacy Preserving of Intermediate Datasets in Cloud Environment




Adaptive Techniques for Power Consumption in Mobile Cloud Computing



Ms.A.Kannaki @ VasanthaAzhagu

Multi-Agents Based Multilevel SLA Framework Using Cloud Computing Technology



Mr.D.Venkata Siva Reddy

An Extensive Research on Big Data Cloud Driven Computational Framework for Intelligent Transportation System



Mr.D.Venkata Siva Reddy

An Extensive Research on Big Data Cloud Driven Computational Framework for Intelligent Transportation System




Some Investigation on Attribute – Based Encryption (ABE) Techniques for Semi- Trusted Cloud Service Providers




Some Investigation on Attribute – Based Encryption (ABE) Techniques for Semi- Trusted Cloud Service Providers



Mr.B.Balaji Bhanu

An Adaptive Technique for Crop monitoring system using wireless sensor network




Denoising of Images Using A Novel Stochastic Process




An Efficient Cryptographic Algorithm to improve Data security in Wireless sensor Networks.



Mr. B. Kishore

Local based approaches for the classification of texture images



Ms. M. Sangeetha

Data Imputation for Health Care data using an enhanced expectation  maximization  approach

Ph.D Awarded

Name of the ScholarName of the GuideTopicAwarded Year 
Ms.E.PadmaDr.C.K.GomathyAuthentication Based on Trusted Platform Module2024 
Ms.Veguru GayathriDr.M.Senthil KumaranFuzzy and cross layer approach for routing in MANETS2024 
Mrs.A.Kannaki @ VasanthaazhaguDr.M.Senthil KumaranMulti Agents Based Multi-Level SLA Frame Work Using Cloud Computing Technology2023 
Mr.D.Antony Joseph RajanDr.C.K.GomathyIdentity Verification System for Cloud Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks2023 
Mr. M.ThirunavukkarasuDr.C.SunitharamAdaptive Techniques for Power Consumption in Mobile Cloud Computing2023 
Mrs.V.SaralaDr.C.K.GomathyCost Effective Privacy Preserving of Intermediate Datasets in Cloud Environment2023 
Mr.Duddela Sai PrashanthDr.M.Senthil KumaranImage Processing For Applications In Preservation And Restoration Of Indian Digital Heritage.2023 
Mr. D.Venkata Siva ReddyDr.M.Senthil KumaranAn Extensive Research on Big Data Cloud Driven Computational Framework for Intelligent Transportation System2023 
Mr.Rajan RDr.C.SunitharamSome Investigation on Attribute-based Encryption (ABE) Techniques for Semi-Trusted Cloud Service Providers2023 
Mr.K.SrinivasanDr.S.K.SrivatsaDenoising of Image Using a Novel Stochastic Process2023 
Ms.M.RajalakshmiDr.D.ThamaraiselviAn Efficient Cryptographic Algorithm to Improve Data Security in Wireless Sensor Networks2023 
Mr.Narayanasamy.RDr.M.Senthil KumaranA Fuzzy based load balancing algorithm for MANET2023 
Ms.M.SangeethaDr.M.Senthil KumaranData Imputation for Health Care Data Using an Enhanced Expectation Maximization Approach2022 
Mr.R.SugumarDr.A.RajeshPerformance Analysis of Multi-Cloud for Secure Data Processing2022 
Mr.Shyam Mohan J SDr.P.Shanmuga priyaHandling Huge Datasets using Mapreduce and Machine Learning Clustering Techniques2022 
Ms.R.PremaDr.P.Shanmuga priyaEvaluating the Performance of Face Recognition Techniques in Differentiating Identical Twins2022 
Mr.Kishore BhamidipatiDr.V.VijayakumarLocal Based Approaches for the classification of Texture Images2022 
Mr. Battu Balaji BhanuDr.Mohammed Ali HussainAn Adaptive Technique for CROP Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks2022 
Mr.CH.M.H.SaiBabaDr.M.Senthil KumaranMining Frequent Itemset from Spatial Database by using Markov Chaining Method (MCM) Approach2022 
Ms.M.GayathriDr.Jageedesh KannanA Framework for Ontology Based Semantic Search System in Ayurvedic Medicine2021 
Mr.K.LokeshwaranDr.A.RajeshSimilarity Links Suggestion for Linked Data (LOD)2021 
Ms.M.SaraswathiDr.T.BhuvaneswariAn Enhanced Key Policy Attribute Based Encryption (EKPABE) for Securing Cloud Data2021 
Mr.S.Kishore VermaDr.A.RajeshAn Efficient Clustered and Utility Enhanced Privacy Preserving Procedures for Relational Data Anonymization2021 
Venkata Subramanian KDr.S.K.SrivatsaGraph Theoretic Algorithmic Approach to Data Clustering and its Applications2020 
Ms.R.SenkamalavalliDr.T.BhuvaneswariImproved Classification of Breast Cancer Data Using Hybrid Techniques2019 
Mr.Nagendra Panini ChallaDr.R.Vasanth Kumar MehtaAutomatic Metadata Extraction and Retrieval Using Enhanced Schema for Effective Access of Indian Palm Leaf Manuscripts2019 
Ms.V.GeethaDr.S.RajalakshmiRisk Estimation for Indication of Cardiac Problems using Decision Tree Algorithm2019 
Mr.R.Z.Inamul HussainDr.S.K.SrivatsaAn Enhanced FP-Growth based New Mining Technique for Very Large Datasets in E-Commerce2019 
Ms.T.JayanthiDr.S.RajalakshmiAn Efficient Authentication Scheme Using Cryptographic Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks2019 
Mrs.D.Thamarai SelviDr.M.RamakrishnanDecision Support System for Genomic Analysis of Autosomal Chromosomes2019 
Mr.V.P. Krishna AnneDr.Rajasekhara Rao KurraDesign and Development of Intrusion Detection2019 
Systems(IDS) using Enhanced Ad hoc on demand Distance 
Vector (EAODV) and Relational Classification by Pattern 
Based Hierarchical clustering (RCPHC) 
Mr.Boddu Sekhar BabuDr.Rajasekhara Rao KurraDesign and Development of a Novel Algorithm for Filtering Noisy and Redundant Data from Web Page2019 
Ms.R.PoorvadeviDr.S.RajalakshmiSecure Public Cloud User Authentication Model Using Fuzzy Logic Approach2018 
Mr.S. RajaprakashDr.R.PonnusamyDesign of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process for Automotive Business Development Life Cycle2018 
Ms.C. Sunitha RamDr.R.PonnusamyDesign of Speech Emotion Recognition System for Autism Spectrum Disorder Affected Children2017 
Mr.S. RamamorthyDr.S.RajalakshmiSecure Resource Management in Cloud Computing2017 
S.UmamaheswariDr. S.K.SrivatsaAn Effective Web Page Recommendation System using Pattern Mining Algorithms2017 
A.V.SriharshaDr. C.ParthasarathyMulti-Level, Multi-Key Trust in PPDM Using Syntactic Anonymity on Sensitive Data2017 
Mr.J.Kumaran @ KumarDr.G.RaviApplication of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Electric Load Forecasting2016 
Ms.C.K.GomathyDr.S.RajalakshmiOptimal Software Architecture Design Using Service Oriented Quality Metrics2016 
Mr.Urlam DeveeprasanDr.S.MurugappanDesign of a Multi Objective Trust Model and Localization Scheme for Secured Routing in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks2016 
Mr.Mohammed Muzaffar HussainDr.S.K.SrivatsaEvaluation of Computer Science Thesis Using Ontology Matching Techniques2016 
Mr.R.Vasanth Kumar MehtaDr.S.RajalakshmiData Quality Mining Towards Enhancing the Quality of the Knowledge Discovery from Data Process2015 
Mr.B.Sankara SubramanianDr.M.Rathina KumarKnowledge Retrieval using Soft Computing Techniques2015 
Mr.G.VijayakumarDr.G.V.RajuArtificial Neural Network Model for Early Detection of Brain Tumour Implementing Blind Source Separation Techniques2014 
Mr.L.KartheesanDr.S.K.SrivatsaPolicy Based Mutual Scheme for Data Security in Mobile AD HOC Networks2014 
Mr.D.JagadeesanDr.S.K.SrivatsaMultipath Routing Protocol using Cache Replacement Technique for Effective Local Route Recovery in Mobile ADHOC Networks2014 
Mrs.P.ShanmugapriyaDr.R.M.SureshFuzzy and Knowledge Base Model for Enhancing Software Architecture Evaluation2013 
Mr.R.VijayarjunanDr.V.VijayakumarA Novel Framework for Image and Video Denoising2013 
Mr.T.R.ShivaramDr.K.RamarService Oriented Network Architecture2012 
Mr.J.Satheesh KumarDr.S.ArumugaperumalMethodologies using Statistical Parametric Map for Effectual Analysis of FMRI Brain Structures2010 
Mrs.M.K.JayanthiDr.S.K.SrivatsaObject Oriented Analysis and Design of Learning Objects and Applications of Agent Based Reusable Learning Objects in E-Learning System Design.2010 
Mrs.S.RajalakshmiDr.S.K.SrivatsaApplication of Identify Based Encryption using Mediated RSA in Virtual Private Networks and Electronics Transactions (Network Security)2008 
Ms.T.BhuvaneswariDr.S.K.SrivatsaHealthcare Applications using Knowledge Discovery in Databases2007 
Ms.N.GirijaDr.S.K.SrivatsaConstruction of a Virtual Library Data Warehouse Model and use of Data Mining in Knowledge Based Business Strategies2006