ASSISTANT DIRECTORDepartment of Physical Education,
SCSVMV University,Enathur,
Kanchipuram – 631561
Ph : 044 – 27264301, ext: 320
Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. – John F. Kennedy
Physical education provides the student with a legitimate outlet to vent his innate physical activity. He will be less frustrated and less prone to get into scraps with other students. Since physical education also requires the student to spend time with other children in the open, it also fosters their social skills. Fitness is another important reason; the food that is available today puts them on the highway to obesity.
Physical education keeps the child physically and mentally healthy. While playing sports one begins to get a sense of competition, which is something that will be with him for the rest of his life. Sports will help them to get along with a diversified group of people.
Physical education which is commonly a part of the curriculum at University level includes training in the development and care of the human body and maintaining physical fitness. Physical education is also about sharpening overall cognitive abilities and motor skills via athletics, exercise and various other physical activities.
To develop the Department of Physical Education as centre of excellence in Sports. It is essential for healthy growth and development. The Mission of the PHYSICAL Education is to facilitate the continuous improvement of teaching and to excel in discovery, learning, and engagement activities within the human movement sciences and sports performance across lifespan.
The mission of Physical Education is to deliver a program, providing a variety of developmentally appropriate physical activities to help all students acquire physical fitness, motor skills, positive attitudes, and knowledge for a lifetime of health and fitness.
Maintaining Sound Physical Fitness
Overall Confidence Booster
Awareness about Important Health and Nutrition Issues
Inculcating Sportsmanship and Team Spirit
Development of Motor Skills
Importance of Mental & Physiological Hygiene
Enhancing Overall Cognitive Abilities
Encouraging Budding Sportsmen
A Stress Buster and Source of Enjoyment
Promoting Healthy Lifestyle in Adulthood