SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya



Dr. G. Senthil Kumar,
Mob: 9994288266, 

Dr. T. Nirma Raj,
Mobile: 9498028711


Anti- Ragging Squad Committee

Ragging Menace

What is Ragging?

Any Unacceptable Behaviour in,

  • Mental, physical, or sexual abuse.
  • Verbal harassment or offensive remarks.
  • Indecent behavior or public humiliation.
  • Financial exploitation or extortion.
  • Use of force, criminal intimidation, or undermining human

Punishment Provisions

Any student or group of students found guilty of ragging on campus or off campus shall be liable to one or more of the following punishments:

  • Debarring from appearing in any sessional test/ university examination or withholding results.
  • Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
  • Withdrawing scholarships and other benefits.
  • Suspension from the University for a period of one month.
  • Cancellation of admission.
  • Suspension/expulsion from the hostel
  • Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution.
  • Fine up to twenty five thousand rupees.
  • Imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years or with fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees or with both.
  • Collective punishment – When the students committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a deterrent to ensure community pressure on potential raggers.