SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya



Assistant Professor
contact : 044 27264272
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M.E (CSE), M.B.A (IT and Management), Ph.D(CSE)

Her Area of Interest lies in Software Engineering, Web Service, Knowledge Management domain.

Software Engineering
Service oriented Architecture
Software Quality Assurance
Electronic Commerce
Software Testing
Object oriented Software Engineering
object oriented Analysis and Design
Principles of Management and Ethics
Object oriented Programming
Software Development Lab
Project Work

Reviewer Responsibilities
Canadian center of science and Education
Information Technology Journal
Research Journal of Business Management
Asian Journal of Information Management
Journal of Software Engineering
Australasian Journal of Computer Science

Professional Memberships & Services:
1) Member, The International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
2) Member, Association for Computing Machinery(ACM )
3) Member, Information Management News letter
4) Member, ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems (EAPJCSIS)
5) Senior member of Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers (UACEE)


1) “Impact on Business Agility of Service oriented Architecture (2011)” Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Business Environment and its Impact on Management Education held in Department of Management Studies, Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu, India, during on February 10- 11,2011.
2) “Business Management for Effective Service oriented Architecture (2011)” Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Challenges of Emergent India-A Management Perspective held in Department of Management Studies, Vivekanandha Institute of Information and Management Studies, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, during on February 14-15,2011.
3) “Service oriented Architecture to Improve Quality of Software System in Public Sector Organization with Improved Progress Ability (2014)” Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, NITTE Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India, during on August 01-02,2014.
4) “A Software Quality Metric Performance of Professional Management in Service oriented Architecture (2014)” Proceedings of the International Conference on Current trends in Engineering and Technology, Akshaya College of Engineering and technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, during on July 08-,2014.
5) “A Quality Based Access Control for Web Services (2016)” Proceedings of the International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development, Sri Ganesh School of Business Management Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, during on February 19-2016
6) “Health Care Management System Using Data Mining techniques (2016)” Proceedings of the International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development, Sri Ganesh School of Business Management Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, during on February 19-2016
7) National Conference on information and Software Engineering and Presented a Paper titled “Semantic Ideation Learning Agent For Stimulating Knowledge” conducted by Department of Information Technology, Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology,Vinayaka Mission University, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Paiyanoor, which was held on February 13th and 14th 2009
8) National Conference on High Performance Computing and Presented Paper titled “SILA for Web Engineering”conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology, S.A.Engineering College, Chennai, which was held on February 20th 2009
9) National Conference on Advanced Computing Technology and Presented Paper titled “E-Mail Security” conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology, Velammal Institute of Technology, Chennai, which was held on 29th August 2009
10) “Service Oriented Computing (2010)” Proceedings of the National Conference on Advanced Computing and Networking (NCACN) held in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, on 20th February 2010.
11) “Service Oriented Management (2010)” Proceedings of the National Conference on Elite- 2010 held in Department of Management Studies, Thirumalai Engineering College, Kancheepuram, on 26th February 2010. 12) “The Strategy Impact of Service Oriented Architecture (2010)” Proceedings of the National Conference on Winning Strategies for Business Development held in Department of Management Studies and Department of Computer Application, Sakthi Mariamman Engineering College, Chennai, on 12th March 2010, ISBN: 978-81-904915-0-1.
13) National Conference on Grid and Database Technologies and Presented Paper titled “Implementation of Biometrics in ATM Machine (Facial Recognition Technology)” conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, which was held on 5h March 2010
14) “Monitoring framework for Network Management In Cloud as a Simple (2011)” Proceedings of the National Conference on Challenges and Issues In Computing and Technology held in Vel Tech Technical University, Avadi, Chennai during August 12-13, 2011.
15) “SOA in HealthCare: Sharing System Resources in Business Process Development (2011)” Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging trends in Computer Applications and Management held in Department of Computer Applications and Management Studies, Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology,Vinayaka Mission University, Chennai during March 30-31,2011.
16) National Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies(NCCCT-2011) “An Agent Based Service Oriented Architecture and Infrastructures” conducted by Department of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, DMI College of Engineering, Chennai, which was held on 25th and 26th February 2011
17) “Efficient Business Process Integration and Quality Service for SOA (2012)” Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent of computing held in Department of Computer Science, Lord Venkateshwaraa Engineering College, Kancheepuram, on 02nd March 2012.
18) “A Frame Work for Optimal Service Selection In Service Based Architecture With Multiple Qualities of Service Classes (2012)” Proceedings of the National Conference on Future computing held in Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University, Karaikal Campus, on 30th March 2012.
19) National Conference on Grid and Cloud Computing and Presented Paper titled “A framework for optimal service selection in SOA with multiple quality of service” conducted by Department of Information technology, P.B College of Engineering College, Chennai, which was held on 28t h February 2012
20) National Conference on Recent trends In Modern Electronics and its Applications and Presented Paper titled “A component consciousness of spatial multiplexing of OFDM wireless system”conducted by Department of ECE and EEE, Jeppiaar Institute of technology College, Chennai, which was held on 13 to 14 March 2014
21) National Conference on Recent trends In Modern Electronics and its Applications and Presented Paper titled “A development frame work for systematic quality approach of SOA in modern electronic system” conducted by Department of ECE and EEE, Jeppiaar Institute of technology College, Chennai, which was held on 29 to 30 January 2015
22) National Conference on Big Data “A Location Distribution Scheme With Efficient Service in Mobile” conducted by PG and Department of Computer Science and Applications, Adhiparasakthi College of Arts and Science College, Kalavai which was held on February 25- 2016
23) National Conference on Big Data “A Resource Management on Web Service Recommendations” conducted by PG and Department of Computer Science and Applications, Adhiparasakthi College of Arts and Science College, Kalavai which was held on February 25- 2016


1) C.K.Gomathy.(2010),”Cloud Computing: Business Management for Effective Service Oriented Architecture” International Journal of Power Control Signal and Computation (IJPCSC), Volume 1, Issue IV, Oct – Dec 2010, P.No:22-27, ISSN: 0976-268X .
2) C.K.Gomathy and Dr.S.Rajalakshmi.(2011), “Business Process Development In Service Oriented Architecture”, International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Management (IJRCM) ,Volume 1,Issue IV, August 2011,P.No:50-53,ISSN : 2231-1009.
3) C.K.Gomathy and Dr.S.Rajalakshmi.(2012),”An Efficient Business Integration and Quality Service for Service Oriented Architecture”, World Academy of informatics and management sciences(WAIMS), Volume 1,Issue II (WAIMS/0019/0084), March 2012,P.No: 74-79, ISSN : 2278-1315.
4) C.K.Gomathy and Dr.S.Rajalakshmi.(2012),”A proficient Business incorporation and Quality for SOA. “, International journal on information Science and computing, Volume 6,Issue II,July-2012, ISSN : 0973-9092.
5) C.K.Gomathy and Dr.S.Rajalakshmi.(2014),”A Business Intelligence Network Design for Service Oriented Architecture”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) ,Volume IX, Issue III, March 2014, P.No:151-154, ISSN:2231-5381.
6) C.K.Gomathy and Dr.S.Rajalakshmi.(2014),”Software Architecture Design Using Service Oriented on Quality Metrics”, Australian Journal of Computer Science (AUJCS), Volume I,Issue I March 2014,P.No:09-16,ISSN:2251-3221.
7) C.K.Gomathy and Dr.S.Rajalakshmi.(2014),”Software Pattern Quality Comportment In Service Oriented Architectures”, European Scientific Journal (ESJ) volume-10,No-9,Issue-March 2014,P.No-412-423,ISSN-1857-7881.
8) C.K.Gomathy and Dr.S.Rajalakshmi.(2014), “A Software Design Pattern for Bank Service Oriented Architecture”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering and Technology(IJARCET), Volume 3,Issue IV, April 2014,P.No:1302-1306, ,ISSN:2278-1323.
9) C.K.Gomathy and Dr.S.Rajalakshmi.(2014),”A Software Ability link for Service Oriented Architecture”, Global Journal of Management and Business Research (GJMBR), Volume(A) XIV, Issue-II, Version 1.0,May 2014, P.No:11-14, ISSN:2249-4588.
11) N.Sugumar, C.K.Gomathy, ”Smart LCM for energy-efficient mechanism using CTX in wireless sensor networks” International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC) Volume No.1 ,issue No. 4,IISSN-2348-4853.P.No 47-56
11) C.K.Gomathy and Dr.S.Rajalakshmi.(2014),”A Software Ability Network in Service Oriented Architecture”, International Journal of science and Technology Education Research(IJSTER) , Volume 5,Issue II, June 2014,P.No:7-14, ISSN:2141-6559.
12) C.K.Gomathy and Dr.S.Rajalakshmi.(2014),”A Software Quality Metric Performance of Professional Management in Service Oriented Architecture”, Proceedings of ICCTET’14, organized by Akshaya College of Engineering, Coimbatore. Archived in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, July 2014,ISBN:978-1-4799-7986-8.
13) C.K.Gomathy and Dr.S.Rajalakshmi.(2014), “Service Oriented Architecture to improve Quality of Software System in Public Sector Organization with Improved Progress Ability”, Proceedings of ERCICA-2014, organized by Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore. Archived in Elsevier Xplore Digital Library, August 2014, ISBN:978-9-3510-7216-4.
14) C.K.Gomathy Dr.S.Rajalakshmi, M.Prema,”A framework for developing service-oriented architecture for mobile commuting-an exploratory study of SCSVMV university “Journal of Harmonized research in Engineering (JOHR) Volume No.2, Issue No.IV, October 2014,P.No:360-366, ,ISSN : 2347-7393
15) R.Parameshwari, C K Gomathy, “A novel approach to identify sullied terms in service level agreement” International Journal of Computer Applications Volume No.115(7):16-20, April 2015.
16) C K Gomathy and V Geetha. Article: A Real Time Analysis of Service based using Mobile Phone Controlled Vehicle using DTMF for Accident Prevention. International Journal of Computer Applications 138(2):11-13, March 2016. Published by Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA,ISSN No: 0975-8887
17) C K Gomathy and V Geetha. Article: Evaluation on Ethernet based Passive Optical Network Service Enhancement through Splitting of Architecture. International Journal of Computer Applications 138(2):14-17, March 2016. Published by Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA, ISSN No: 0975-8887
18) Dr.C.K.Gomathy , Y.Saranya , G.Vanisree , N.Yaswanthi Article: A Privacy Protection Mechanism for Mobile Online Social Networks ,Published by International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS), Vol-3, Issue-4 , April- 2016] ISSN: 2349-6495
19) Dr.C.K.Gomathy , K. Bindhu sravya , P. Swetha , S.Chandrika Article: A Location Based Value Prediction for Quality of Web Service, Published by International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS), Vol-3, Issue-4 , April- 2016] ISSN: 2349-6495
20) DR.C.K.Gomathy , V.Geetha , S.Madhumitha , S.Sangeetha , R.Vishnupriya Article: A Secure With Efficient Data Transaction In Cloud Service, Published by International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 5 Issue 4, March 2016, ISSN: 2278 – 1323.
21) Dr.C K Gomathy, V Geetha ,T N V Siddartha, M Sandeep , B Srinivasa Srujay Article: Web Service Composition In A Digitalized Health Care Environment For Effective Communications, Published by International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016, ISSN: 2278 – 1323.
22) V.Geetha and Dr.C.K.Gomathy Published by SCSVMV Study Material in Service oriented Architecture,April-2016
23) C.K.Gomathy and Dr.S.Rajalakshmi.(2014),”A Business Intelligence for Service Oriented Architecture”, The Indian Journal of Technical Education, Published by Indian Society for Technical Education ,Volume 37, Issue III, September 2014, P.No:23-28, ISSN:0971-3034.

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