SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya




Professor and DEAN,
School of Education,
SCSVMV (Deemed to be University),
Enathur, Kanchipuram.

Teachers are the backbone of any country. A Strong and sound educational system shapes the growth and development of any nation. The pivotal point in the whole educational system is the teacher who translates the aims and objectives of the society into action. Keeping this fact into consideration the SCSVMV Management decided to open School of Education by offering B.Ed course initially keeping the expansion of this school as center of excellence in education in future. The main aim of this B.Ed program is to produce quality and competent secondary school teachers to serve in various secondary schools of the nation with commitment and dedication. Both content and methodology are given due weightage in this program.

To develop the School of Education as center of excellence in education by making the quality the defining element of teacher education through a combination of character, competency and commitment.


To inculcate discipline among the student teachers
To make value education and teacher education go hand in hand
To produce competent, committed and performing teachers.
To impart effective skills of teaching
To travel from Indian to western
To give more importance to social dimension
To create the environment for interactive pedagogy
To encourage self evaluation, student evaluation of the faculty, and innovations in teacher education.
To stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching-learning and research in teacher education.
To undertake quality-related research studies, consultancy and extension and training programmes.
To collaborate with other stake holders for teacher education for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance.


The following are the main objectives of B.Ed program in our School of Education.
1. To produce committed and value – oriented prospective teachers.
2. To impart all necessary modern methods and skills of teaching.
3. To give top priority to social dimension so that each prospective teacher produced from this School of Education should discharge his/her duties as a responsible educator of the country.


Building up a sound and strong character
Developing positive attitude.
Fostering the feeling of oneness, belongingness, commonness, brotherlihoodness
Inculcating the value system among the student teachers.
Promoting the use of ICT and technology in education.
Encouraging healthy competency among the student teachers
Contributing the institutional/regional/national and international development.