SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya


M.E (applied electronics), (PhD)

Her Area of Interest lies in VLSI Design Embedded Systems, Signal & Image Processing .

Electron devices and circuits
Circuit theory
Digital electronics
Signals and systems
Analog electronics
Control systems
Measurements and instrumentation
Principles of management and professional ethics
Digital signal processing
Microwave engineering
Optical communication
Communication networks
Cellular mobile communication
Digital image processing
Computer aided system design
Antennas and wave propagation
Electronics circuits I
Linear integrated circuits
Telecommunication switching system
Electromagnetic fields
VLSI Design


1) Presented a paper in the international conference titled ‘Infant Surveillance Using TCP/IP Protocol’ organized by SCSVMV University on 5th and 6th May 2016
2) Presented a paper in the international conference titled ‘ Step Down Model Slop Based Landslide Prediction Using Wireless Sensor Network’ organized by K.L.N. Collage of Engineering on 27th and 28th November 2015
3) Presented a paper in national conference titled ‘ design of wireless Sensor Network for Landslide Monitoring’ organized by Tagore Engineering Collage on 20th March 2015
4) Presented a paper titled ‘Review of routing techniques in wireless sensor network for monitoring of landslide’ organized by the department of electronics and communication at SCSVMV university on 21.02.2015
5) Participated in the national conference on Instrumentation control and automation organized by the department of electronics and instrumentation engineering at SCSVMV University on 12.02.2015
6) Presented a paper titled ‘VLSI implementation of image and video multimedia processing system’ organized by department of IT at SCSVMV University on 29.01.2015
7) Presented a paper titled ‘Multiple Power Supply Using SEPIC Converter’ organized by department of electrical and electronics engineering in advanced control techniques in electrical science at S.A.Engineering college on 13th and 14th march 2008
8) Presented a paper titled “Medium access control layer in IEEE 802.11” organized by department of IT at SCSVMV University on 29.10.2013


1) Published a paper titled ‘landuse change detection through image processing and remote sensing’ in international journal of engineering research and application, volume 2 and issue 4 in the year of 2012
2) Published a paper titled ‘An overview of Landslide Forecasting using Wireless Sensor Network and Geographical Information System’ in international journal of engineering research and application, volume 6 and issue 4 in the year of 2016

Workshops and seminars

1) Participated national seminar on ‘Enhancement of quality at university level’ organized by internal quality assurance cell at SCSVMV university on 30.01.2015
2) Participated one day national workshop on ‘how to write research papers and get published in journals’ organized by department of school of computing science and engineering at VIT Chennai on 21.11.2014
3) Participated one day regional workshop on ‘research methdology’ organized by department of electronics and communication at SCSVMV University on 30.08.2013
4) Participated one day national workshop on ‘MATLAB & its application organized by department of mathematics in SCSVMV University, 06.09.2013
5) Participated one day national level seminar on ‘Digital image processing’ organized by department of CSE at P.T.Lee.Chengalvaraya Naicker College of Engineering and Technology on 22nd march 2012
6) Participated one day national level seminar on ‘3G networks’ organized by department of ECE at P.T.Lee.Chengalvaraya Naicker College of Engineering and Technology on 30th march 2012
7) Participated two day workshop on ‘simulation tools-MATLAB & Verilog organized by department of electronics and communication, VELS University, Chennai on 13th and 14th October 2011.

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