SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya


B.E, M.E (Power system Engineering),Ph.D

Area of Interest:
Power system analysis, operation and control, Smart grid Technologies

Awards Received:

  • Best Teacher of EEE Department Awarded by SCSVMV University-2015
  • Best Teacher of EEE Department Awarded by SCSVMV University-2016
  • Best Teacher of EEE Department Awarded by SCSVMV University-2018

Additional Responsibilities:

  • Director i/c, Research & Publications, SCSVMV from Jan,2019
  • Associate Director, Research and Publications, SCSVMV from April 2018- Dec 2018
  • Deputy Warden of Ladies hostel during 2016 & 2017

Extension Activities:

Cultural Co-ordinator of Dept. of EEE
BOS Member of EEE -2015,2016
Co-Co-ordinator of Intellectual property rights Cell-2016-17
Women cell Special invitee-2015,2016
Staff i/c for admission campaign at Calicut, Trivandrum and Thrissur during 2014-15
Co-ordinator for international conference on 12-13 April 2016, organized by dept. of EEE,SCSVMV during 2016
Staff i/c for Reception committee for NAAC committee visit & UGC Visit
Convenor for Reception committee for Convocation 2012,2013,2014
Convenor for Hospitality committee for Convocation 2015,2016
Member of Reception committee for NAAC Peer team visit,2017
Staff i/c for South Zone Youth Festival 2008 held at Calicut University
Staff i/c for South Zone Youth Festival 2013 held at Bangalore University
Staff i/c for Expression club /EEE,SCSVMV University
Staff i/c for EEE Dept in Tarunyam 08 – inter college youth festival
Time table i/c for EEE dept during 2012-2013
Staff i/c for various cultural events during 2013-2017
One of the member in student counseling committee of EEE
Microprocessor and micro controller Lab and Power simulation Lab i/c
Organized various events in Department level like compiring committee i/c, reception committee i/c in vidyut yantra and other events



Subjects handled:
Smart grid technologies         
Electrical Energy Conservation and Auditing
Control Systems 
DC Machines and Transformers
Microprocessor and its applications
Electric circuit Theory
Power system operation and Control
Computer Aided Power System Analysis
Basic Electrical Engineering 
Generation, Transmission and distribution
Design and Layout of power apparatus and systems
Power system protection and switchgear

Invited Lectures/Chairing a Session:

  • Chaired a session in a National Conference on Electrical Engineering at Jeppiar Mamallan Institute of Technology, Chennai, on 22, September, 2017.
     Chaired a session in an Inter-national Conference on Electrical, Communication,Electronics, Instrumentation and Computing, organized by SCSVMV during 30 & 31,January,2019

Google Scholar ID Link

SCOPUS Indexed & UGC approved Journals/Recognised Journals:

  1. “FOPID Shunt Active Filter in IEEE Thirty Bus System with Improved Dynamic Time Response”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. Volume 8, Issue No.1,Mar 2020,pp.1-9.(Scopus indexed and web of science)
  2. “Fuzzy-logic-Controlled Shunt-Active-Filter in IEEE Thirty-Bus- System with Improved-Dynamic Time-Response”, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, Volume 15,pp.325-332,Jan 2020 (Annexure-I) (Scopus indexed and web of science)
  3. “Performance evaluation of closed loop controlled shunt active filter systems with different controllers”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN 2249-8958, Volume 8, Issue  5, JUNE 2019,  pp. 208~215 (Scopus indexed)
  4. “SMC Shunt Active Filter in IEEE Thirty Bus System with Improved Dynamic Time Response”, Communicated to International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN 2278-3075, Volume 8, Issue 5S, MAR 2019,  pp. 380~389 (Scopus indexed)
  5. “ Proportional Resonant Controlled Shunt Active Filter in IEEE Thirty Bus System with Improved Dynamic Time Response” International Journal of Engineering and Technology,,issue.4.19,2018, (Scopus indexed)
  6. “Microcontrollor Based Over Current Relay for Protection System”, International Journal of scientific research in Science, Engineering and Technology,vol.5, issue.1, Apr,2018
  7. “Voltage stability analysis by simulated annealing algorithm” international journal of Engineering and techniques,, issue .3, June,2017
  8. “Design of distribution system based on Multi agent systems”, International Journal of Engineering and technology, June,2017
  9. “Voltage regulation in distributed feeder using distributed control”, International Journal of advanced research in science, engineering and technique,,issue no.6, June,2017

10.“A co-ordinated voltage control using OLTC, Voltage regulator and DG for a distribution feeder” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,, issue no.5, May 2016

  1. “Reconfiguration of Distribution Network Using multiagent systems” International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research, vol.No.10, issue N0. 2,Dec 2015(Scopus indexed)
  2. “JADE Implementation of Power Restoration in Automated Distribution system” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN : 0974-5645, Vol8(19) 55671, August 2015 (Scopus indexed)
  3. “Challenges and issues of power distribution automation using multi agent system”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, ISSN : 1819-6608, Vol.10, June 2015 (Scopus indexed)
  1. “Multi Agent based distribution system restoration with distributed generation” IEEE XPLORE, 978-1-4799-8193-9, May 2015
  2. “Implementation of Power restoration using Q-Algorithm in JADE”, International Journal of Applied engineering and research, ISSN 0973-4562, Vol.9,No.23 pp-22385 – 22393, Dec, 2014 (Scopus indexed)
  1.  “Design and Simulation of Distributed system based on Multi agent systems”, Asia Pacific journal of research, ISSN -2320-5504, Vol.1 issue XVII, Sep, 2014
  1. “Application of Multi Agent System for Distribution System Automation”, IEEE XPLORE, ISBN 978-1-4799-4103-2, Dec, 2014
  2. “Effective Method for Load Restoration”, International Journal of Current Research, ISSN 0975 -833X, Vol.5 issue.4 pp-987-991, Apr, 2013

Conference Publications:

  1. “An Intelligent Load Management System with Renewable Energy Integration for Smart Homes” National Conference, ICTEE-18 at Mailam Engineering College, Chennai, March 2018
  2. “Based Over Current Relay for Protection System” National Conference on ‘Innovative Research on Robotics, Circuits and Technology’ (IRCT 2018) Organized by Circuit Branches of SCSVMV, March, 2018
  3. “Voltage Stability analysis by Simulated Annealing Algorithm in an International conference on Soft computing Applications to power systems & power Electronics at EEE,SCSVMV University on 12-13 April, 2016
  4. “Multi Agent Based Distribution system Restoration with Distributed Generation” in a IEEE sponsored national conference organised by Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Chennai on Dec, 2014
  5. “Design of Multiagent system for distributed Automation” in a national conference Organised by RMK Engineering college, Chennai on April, 2014
  6. “Application of Multiagent system for distribution system Automation” in an international conference on Smart Grid Organised by KL University,A.P on Sep 2014
  7. “Design and simulation of distribution system based on multiagent system – a Smart Grid Application” in a national conference Organised by SNS College of Technology during Feb,2014
  8. “Multiagent based Load restoration” in an IEEE sponsored international conference organised by Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Chennai on Dec, 2012
  9. “Optimal placement of FACTS devices” national conference organized by sathyabama university, April, 2007

Article Published Details:

  1. “ Invention- a never ending Process” in URJA , Engineers’day magazine,2016
  2. “Mathematics in Electrical Engineering” in world Mathematics day newsletter published by the dept. of Mathematics /SCSVMV, 2018


Workshops / FDP / Seminars / Webinars Attended Details:

  1. FDP on “Challenges and opportunities in implementing IoT and Machine learning for smart grid distribution systems””, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, from 23-11-20 to 28-11-20
  2. Skill development programme on “Role of IoT in Electrical Engineering” KGISL institute of Technology, Coimbatore, from 10-06-20 to 14-06-20
  3. Webinar in “Patent Drafting and Technical Article Writing”, ECE & IPR cell SCSVMV on 26-04-21
  4. Webinar on “Technological innovation and academia industry collaboration under self -reliant india”, Mohammed Sathak AJ college of engineering on 23-07-20
  5. Webinar on “Preparing students for 21st century skills with new normal way”, EGS pillay Engineering college on 03-07-20
  6. Participated in the Awareness Programme on “Research Grant through Funding Agencies on 22-08-18 by SCSVMV
  7. Seminar on Curriculum Enrichment by ECE and centre for curriculum development at   SCSVMV University on 20-03-17
  8. AICTE recognized short term course on “Embedded world through ICT” ECE,SCSVMV    University from 20-03-17 to 24-03-17
  9. AICTE recognized Short term course on Tools for Engineering Research through ICT by NITTTR from 30-01-17 to 03-02-17
  10. AICTE recognized short term course on ”FACTS Devices and distributed generation through ICT “ EEE, SCSVMV University from 06-02-17 to 10-02-17
  11. AICTE recognized short term course on” Bio-medical Instrumentation through ICT” EEE,SCSVMV University from 03-10-16 to 07-10-16
  12. FDP on “Simulation and analysis of power system using Mipower 9.1” by EEE,SCSVMV on 22-07-16 to 23-07-16
  13. Short term course on “Web based Content generation through ICT” by CSE,SCSVMV & NITTTR on 28-03-16 to 01-04-16
  14. International workshop on “ Doing Business in the U.S – Crossing the cultural divide by Faculty of MBA,SCSVMV on 24-05-16
  15. International Seminar on “Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation on Humans”, EEE, SCSVMV University on 06-05-16
  16. Short term course on “Bio-medical Instrumentation through ICT by NITTR on 03-10-16 to 07-10-16
  17. International Seminar on “Power Sums and Univariate Distributions” by Dept. of Mathematics, SCSVMV University on 02-09-16
  18. National Workshop on Effective Teaching and Learning Methodology at ECE, SCSVMV University on 18-02-16
  19. National Workshop on Design and Implementation of power Electronics Converters using MATLAB at EEE, SCSVMV University on 05-02-16
  20. National Workshop on Application of Evolutionary computing techniques to power system optimization problems at EEE,SCSVMV on 29-10-15
  21. One day user awareness programme on Shodhganga and Anti-Plagiarism software at SCSVMV University on 26-03-15
  22. Hands – on Training on Embedded systems by IEEE Student Branch SCSVMV University on 19-09-14
  23. National Workshop on Challenges in Power System monitoring and control at School of Electrical Engineering, VIT University,Vellore on 25-04-14
  24. Regional Workshop on Modeling of controllers for power converters department of EEE,SCSVMV university on 23-08-13
  25. Faculty Development programme on PSCAD / EMTP,SCSVMV university on 22-02-13
  26. National Workshop on FACTS Controllers Applications in Transmission Systems Department of Electrical and Electroincs Engineering, SCSVMV University on 06-08-12