SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya


B.E..,M.E, Ph.D.

Her Area of Interest lies in Unit Commitment of Power Systems. Particles Swarm Optimisation.

NPTEL SWAYAM certification:

  • Power system engineering course completed jun-apr 2019 and got Elire +silver
  • Fundamentals of electrical engineering course jul-oct 2010 and got Elite + silver

Artificial Intelligence
Electrical Machines,
Electron Devices,
Transmission and Distribution,
Electric Circuit Theory,
Electrical Engineering Materials,
Basic Electrical and Electronics,
Transient in power system,
Power quality studies.
Computer Aided power system analysis.
Power quality,
Power system operation and control,
AI techniques to power system.
Electronic Circuits Lab, Circuits and Devices Lab,
Electrical Machines Lab,
Circuit Theory Lab,
Electrical Work Shop Lab.

Google Scholar Id Link

1. A Literature Survey – For Certain Selected Issues In Power System
S Lavanya, S Meikanda Sivam, D Vijayakumar
International Journal of Scientific Research, 2019

2. Novel Binary Particle Swarm Optimization for Unit Commitment Problem
S Lavanya
ETEES, 2017

3. Modeling and Simulation of Three Stage Interleaved Boost Converter Based Wind Energy Conversion System
S Lavanya
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques, 2017


1) Presented a paper titled “Interleaved Boost converter for Wind energy system using MATLAB” on International National Conference AEEICB – 2016 held between 27 and 28 Feb 2016.
2)Participated in National Conference on Power System Emergencies- NPSEC-2013, on 12.12.2013 @SCSVMV University


1) Attended a Seminar on “Elliptic Curve Cryptography” organised by Dept. Of S&H, SCSVMV on 29.02.2012.
2) Participated in a One day National Workshop on “Writing Scientific Proposals and Papers for Quality Research” organised by Dept. Of S&H, at SCSVMV University on 14.02.2013.
3)Participated in a two days Faculty Development Program on “PSCAD / EMTP” organised by Dept. Of EEE, at SCSVMV University on 22.02.2013 – 23.02.2013.
4)Attended a Two days Program on “ Smart Power Grid Operation –An Industry Institute Interaction” organized by School of Electrical Engineering ,VIT University
5)ty, Vellore on 19th & 20th April, 2013. Participated in a One day Workshop on “Modelling of Controllers for Power Converters” organised by Dept. Of EEE, at SCSVMV University on 23.08.2013.
6)Participated in a one day Regional Workshop on “Research Methodology” organised by Dept. Of ECE, at SCSVMV University on 30.08.2013.
7)Participated in a two days Faculty Development Program on “Lab view Programming” organised by Dept. Of EIE, at SCSVMV University on 25.10.2013 – 26.10.2013.
8)Attended a AICTE Sponsored Two days National Seminar on “ Power Electronics For Renewable Energy systems” organised by Dept. Of EEE, Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, on 04.12.2013- 05.12.2013.
9)Attended A National Seminar on Hybrid Renewable Energy System organized by Saveetha Engineering College on 19th to 21st February 2014
10)Attended Hands on Training Program on Embedded Systems in Dept. of EEE, SCSVMV University on 19 -09 -2014 & 20 -09-2014
11)Attended One day National Workshop on Modelling and Hardware Implementation of Power Electronics Applications in Dept. of EEE, SCSVMV University on 15th November 2014.
12)Attended Seminar on Enhancement of quality in higher education – Role of Teachers organized by Internal quality assurance cell (IQAC), SCSVMV University on 30.01.2015
13)FDP on User awareness Program on Shodhganga and Anti-Plagiarism Software organized by SCSVMV University on 26.03.2015
14)Attended One day National Workshop on “Application of Evolutionary Computing Techniques to Power System Optimization Problems” in Dept. of EEE, SCSVMV University on 29/10/ 2015
15)Attended Faculty Development Program on “Current Issues on Power quality and Microgrid” organized by St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology in association with Voltech Engineers Private Ltd.on 30/10/15
16)Attended One day workshop on “Design and Implementation of Power Electronics Converters using MATLAB” ” in Dept. of EEE, SCSVMV University on 5/2/ 2016
17)Attended One Day National workshop on “Effective teaching & Learning Methodology” Conducted by SCSVMV University on 18th February 2016
18)Attended International Seminar on “Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation on Humans” organized by Dept. of EEE, SCSVMV University on 6th May,2016
19)Attended Skill Development Initiative Program in Dept. of EEE, SCSVMV University on 04/07/16
20)Attended FDP on Simulation and Analysis of power System using Mipower 9.1 in Dept. of EEE, SCSVMV University on 22/07/2016 & 23/07/2016
21)Attended Two days National level workshop on “High Penetration of Renewable Energy in smart grid –Prospects & Challenges” organized by the Power control research Group, School of Electrical Engineering ,VIT University, Vellore on 5th & 6th August, 2016