SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya



Assistant Professor & HOD

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Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Area of Research : Applied Spectroscopy


1. Received “Certificate of Honour”, for the best results achieved in Physics, from AarupadaiVeedu Institute of Technology, Paiyanoor of Vinayaka Missions’ University on 20th March 2003.

2. Received “Best Teacher Award”, for 100% result achieved in Engineering Physics, from Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai on 4th September 2008.

3. Received “CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION” during the Teachers’ day celebrations organized by Department of Education, SCSVMV UNIVERSITY during September 2016.

4. Received “CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION” during the Teachers’ day celebrations organized by Department of Education, SCSVMV UNIVERSITY during September 2017.


1. Acted as Resource person in Third National Workshop on Instrumentation Techniques in Physics (PINTECH’14), organized by the department of Physics at SCSVMV on 31st October 2014.

2. Acted as Resource person in Fourth National Workshop on Instrumentation Techniques in Physics (PINTECH’15), organized by the department of Physics at SCSVMV on 6th November 2015.

3. Acted as Resource person in Series of 3 workshops on Instrumentation Techniques in Physics, organized by the department of Physics at SCSVMV for B.Sc Physics final year students during March 2015.

4. Acted as Chairperson in International Conference on Nano- A New World of Science on 22.09.2017 @ VidyaSagar Women’s College, Chengalpet

Engineering Physics
Engineering Physics Lab
Classical and Statistical Mechanics
Laser and Spectroscopy
Electromagnetic Theory
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Solid State Physics
Nano Physics
Advanced Physics Lab
Advanced Physics
Mechanics and Thermal Physics
Electricity and Magnetism
Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Physics
Nano Physics


1. R.Bhaskar, A.R. Lakshmanan, M. Sundarrajan, T.Ravishankar, M.T.Jose, N. Lakshminarayan, “ Mechanism of green luminescence in ZnO”, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics(ISSN: 0975-1041 ), Volume 47, 2009, 772-774.


2. V. Ramasamy, M.Sundarrajan, K. Paramasivam, G. Suresh, “Assessment of spatial distribution and radiological hazardous nature of radio nuclides in high background radiation area, Kerala, India”, Applied Radiation Isotopes(ISSN: 0969-8043),Volume 73, 2013, pp. 21-31.

3. V. Ramasamy, M. Sundarrajan, K. Paramasivam, G. Suresh, “ Role of light and heavy minerals on natural radioactivity level of high background radiation area, Kerala, India”, Applied Radiation Isotopes (ISSN: 0969-8043), Volume 85, 2014, pp.1-10.

4. V. Ramasamy, M.Sundarrajan, K. Paramasivam, G. Suresh, “Spatial and depth wise characterization of radionuclides and minerals in various beach sediments from high background radiation area, Kerala, India, Applied Radiation Isotopes (ISSN: 0969-8043), Volume 95, 2015, pp. 159-168.

5. G. Suresh, V. Ramasamy, M. Sundarrajan, K. Paramasivam, “ Spatial and vertical distributions of heavy metals and their potential toxicity levels in various beach sediments from high background radiation area, Kerala, India, Marine Pollution Bulletin (ISSN:0025-326X), Volume 91, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 389-400.

6. Marcos A.E. Chaparro, G. Suresh, Mauro A.E. Chaparro , V. Ramasamy , M. Sundarrajan, “Magnetic assessment and pollution status of beach sediments from Kerala coast (southwestern India)”, Marine Pollution Bulletin (ISSN: 0025-326X), Volume 117, Issue 1-2, Feb 2017, pp. 171-177


7. M. Sundarrajan, M. Velmurugan, “ Heavy metal analysis on road side sediments using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) technique”, International Journal of Technical Research and Applications(e-ISSN: 2320-8163), Special Issue 37, 2016, pp 69-74.

8. M. Sundarrajan, D. Palani, Vijayakumar“ FTIR analysis on atmospheric dust particles in Cheyyar town, Tamilnadu, India”, International Journal of Technical Research and Applications (e-ISSN: 2320-8163), Special Issue 37, 2016, pp 75-77.

9. M.Sundarrajan, A.Jeelani, E.Dhamu, “Stability Studies on Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized By Green Method Using PhyllanthusNiruri And SolanumNigrum Leaf Extracts”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE), Issue 09, Volume 4, 44-49, 2017

10. M. Sundarrajan, A.Jeelani, S.Janarthanan, “Morphology Studies on Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized By Green Method Using TridaxProcumbens And OcimumTenuiflorum LeafExtracts”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE), IssueIssue 09, Volume 4, 50-54 , 2017

11. M. Sundarrajan, A. Jeelani, V. Santhanam, S. Durgadevi, S. Abirami, “Effect of Concentration, pH and Time on the morphology of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by green method using PhyllanthusNiruri and SolanumNigrum leaf extracts”, International Journal of Current Research and Review, November 2018, Volume 10, Issue 21, Pages 25-29.


1. Sundarrajan M, Ramakrishna Pisipaty S, Balaji P, “Mineralogical analysis on pottery shreds excavated from Kalathumedu village, Kanchipuram district, Tamilnadu, India – FTIR Study”, 2nd National Conference on Materials for Modern World, Chennai, Proceedings (ISBN: 978-81-89 843-74-8), pp 164 -167, 2015

2. Sundarrajan M, Ramakrishna Pisipaty S, Arivarasan S, “Elemental analysis on pottery shreds excavated from Kariamangalani village, Tamilnadu, India”, 2nd National Conference on Materials for Modern World, Chennai, Proceedings, (ISBN: 978-81-89 843-74-8), pp 168 -171, 2015

3. Sundarrajan M, Surendrababu B, “Ultrasonic studies on the rocks collected from the hills of Thiruvannamalai district, Tamilnadu, India”, 2nd National Conference on Materials for Modern World, Chennai, Proceedings (ISBN: 978-81-89 843-74-8), pp 172 -174, 2015

4. Sundarrajan M, Jeyaprakash R, “Mineralogical composition of some idol making rock samples collected from Thiruvanamalai district , Tamilnadu, India – FTIR Study”, 2nd National Conference on Materials for Modern World, Chennai, Proceedings (ISBN: 978-81-89 843-74-8), pp 175 -178, 2015

5. Sundarrajan M, Sudhaka C, Indumathi G, “Mineralogical composition of Road side sediments from a national highway – FTIR Study”, National Conference on Advances in Materials Science and Non Linear Science, B.S. AbdurRahman University, Chennai, Proceedings (ISBN: 978-81-89 843-03-8), pp 22-25, 2016

6. Sundarrajan M, Palani D, “Spectroscopic Analysis on Air Suspended Dust Particles inVandavasi Town, Tamilnadu, India –FTIR Study”, 11th International Conference on Science Engineering & Technology, VIT, Vellore, Proceedings (ISBN 978-93-85 477 73- 7),pp 207-209, 2016

7. Sundarrajan M, A. Jeelani and S.Janarthanan “Stability studies on Silver nanoparticles synthesized by green method using PhyllanthusNiruri and SolanumNigrum leaf extracts”, Proceedings of International Conference on Nano- A New World of Science, ISBN :978 93 81899 81 6, 96-100, 2017

8. Sundarrajan M, A. Jeelani and E.Dhamu, “Morphology studies on Silver nanoparticles synthesized by green method usingTridaxProcumbens and OcimumTenuiflorum leaf extracts”, Proceedings of International Conference on Nano- A New World of Science, ISBN :978 93 81899 81 6, 101-105, 2017


1. M.Sundarrajan,“Thermoluminescence behavior of recently excavated dolomite”, International Conference on Recent Frontiers in Applied Spectroscopy (ICORFAS-2010), AnnamalaiUniveristy,2010.

2. Ramasamy, V., Sundarrajan, M., Paramasivam, K., Suresh, G. “Assessment of Radiological Hazardous Nature of the Beach Sediments, Kerala by Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Analysis”, National Conference on Advances in Material Science, Annamalai University, pp. 25, 2012.

3. Ramasamy, V.,Suresh, G., Sundarrajan, M., Paramasivam, K., “Mineralogical characterization of Beach Sediments of West Coast of Kerala through FTIR Technique”, National Conference on Advances in Material Science, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, Proceedings, pp. 47, 2012.

4. Ramasamy V, Paramasivam K, Suresh G, Sundarrajan M, “Heavy metal concentrations and their ecological risk level of surface sediments of Vaigai river”, National Seminar on Frontier Areas of Spectrophysics (NASFAS 2013), pp 48, 2013.

5. Ramasamy V, Sundarrajan M, Paramasivam K, Suresh G, “Distribution and characterisation of Light and heavy minerals in the Kerala beaches”, 3rd International Science Congress, International Science Congress Association, Karunya University, pp.136, 2013.

6. Sundarrajan M, Kamesh N, “Heavy metal analysis on pottery shreds using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy”, National Seminar on Frontier Areas of Spectrophysics (NASFAS 2013), pp. 48, 2013.

7. Sundarrajan M, Muralikrishnan T, “Heavy metal characterization of Cheyyar river sediments using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)”, National Seminar on Frontier Areas of Spectrophysics (NASFAS 2013), pp 31, 2013.

8. Sundarrajan M, Sathish F, “Mineralogical characterization of Cheyyar river sediments using FTIR Technique”, National Seminar on Frontier Areas of Spectrophysics (NASFAS 2013), pp. 47, 2013.

9. Sundarrajan M, Sudhagar S, “Mineralogical analysis on road side sediments using FTIR Spectroscopy”, National Seminar on Frontier Areas of Spectrophysics (NASFAS 2013), pp. 34, 2013.

10. Sundarrajan M, Velmurugan M, “Heavy metal analysis on road side sediments using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)”, National Seminar on Frontier Areas of Spectrophysics (NASFAS 2013), pp. 46, 2013.

11. Ramasamy V, Sundarrajan M, Paramasivam K, Suresh G, “Characterization of light and heavy minerals in various granulometric contents of beach sediments from high background radiation area, Kerala, India,”, National Conference on Advanced Materials and its Applications (NCAMA-2014), FEAT, Annamalai University, pp.32, 2014.

12. Ramasamy V, Sundarrajan M, Paramasivam K, Suresh G, “Magnetic Characterization of Various Beach Sediments from High Background Radiation Area, Kerala, India”, National Conference on Advanced Materials and its Applications (NCAMA-2014), FEAT, Annamalai University, pp.31, 2014.

13. Sundarrajan M, Arun M A, “FTIR Study On Mineralogical Composition Of Rocks Collected From the Hills of Vellore District”, International Conference on Frontier Areas of Physics (INACFAP 2014), pp. 79, 2014.

14. Sundarrajan M, Arun M A, “Mineralogical Analysis of Rocks Collected from The Hills of Thiruvallur District – FTIR Study, International Conference on Frontier Areas of Physics (INACFAP 2014), pp. 78, 2014.

15. Sundarrajan M, Arun M A, “Mechanical Properties Of Rocks Collected from Thiruvallur District – Ultrasonic Study”, International Conference on Frontier Areas of Physics (INACFAP 2014), pp. 96, 2014.

16. Sundarrajan M, Balaji P, Arun M A, “FTIR study on mineralogical composition of pottery shreds”, 14th Sep’2014, National Conference on Recent Advances in Molecular Spectroscopy (NCRAMS), KanchiMamunivar Centre for Post Graduate Studies & Tagore Arts College, Podicherry, pp. 84, 2014.

17. Sundarrajan M, Jerald Kumar I B, “Spectroscopic Investigation on Mineralogical Composition of Poondi Lake Sediments, Tamilnadu – FTIR Study” , International Conference on Frontier Areas of Physics, pp. 81, 2014.

18. Sundarrajan M, Surendrababu B, “Spectroscopic Analysis on Mineralogical Composition of Rocks Collected from the Hills of Thiruvannamalai District”, International Conference on Frontier Areas of Physics, pp. 80, 2014.

19. Sundarrajan M, Sundaresan S, “ICP OES Characterization on the sediments of Shenbagathoppu Dam, Padavedu, Thiruvanamalai district, Tamilnadu”, Convergence- 2015,Bharath University, Chennai, pp. 15, 2015.

20. Sundarrajan M, Sudhaka C, Indumathi G, “Mineralogical composition of Road side sediments from a national highway – FTIR Study”, National Conference on Advances in Materials Science and Non Linear Science, B.S. AbdurRahman University, Chennai, 2016

21. Sundarrajan M, Palani D, “Spectroscopic Analysis on Air Suspended Dust Particles inVandavasi Town, Tamilnadu, India –FTIR Study”, 11th International Conference on Science Engineering & Technology, VIT, Vellore, 2016

22. Sundarrajan M, A. Jeelani and S.Janarthanan “Stability studies on Silver nanoparticles synthesized by green method using PhyllanthusNiruri and SolanumNigrum leaf extracts”, International Conference on Nano- A New World of Science, Vidyasagar Women’s College,Chengalpet, 2017

23. Sundarrajan M, A. Jeelani and E.Dhamu, “Morphology studies on Silver nanoparticles synthesized by green method usingTridaxProcumbens and OcimumTenuiflorum leaf extracts”, International Conference on Nano- A New World of Science, Vidyasagar Women’s College,Chengalpet, 2017

24. M. Sundarrajan*, S Durgadevi, “A Novel Study on Shape of Silver Nanoparticles Green Synthesized using Binary mixture of Rosa Hybrid and PolianthesTuberosa flower extracts”, International conference on Functional Materials, organized by Dept. of Physics, SCSVMV, June 26-27, 2018.

25. M. Sundarrajan*, S Durgadevi, “Morphology Studies on Silver Nanoparticles Green Synthesized using extract mixture of Nerium and Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensisflowers”, International conference on Functional Materials, organized by Dept. of Physics, SCSVMV, June 26-27, 2018.

26. M. Sundarrajan, “A Comparative Study on Characteristics of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized using Chrysanthemum and Jasminum flower extract mixture”, International conference on Functional Materials, organized by Dept. of Physics, SCSVMV, June 26-27, 2018.

27.  M Sundarrajan, M.Dhamu, “Green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles using Phyllanthusniruri
and Solanumnigrum extracts ”, National Conference on Functional Materials and its Application Aspects, 11-12, August 2022,
 Department of Physics Institute of Science and Humanities Saveetha School of Engineering SIMATS Chennai-602 105

28.  M Sundarrajan, V Santhanam, S Abhirami, D Durgadevi, “Green synthesis and characterization of nanosilver doped nanohydroxyapatite (nAg/nHAP) using Plectranthusamboinicus leaf extract and sea shells, National Conference on Functional Materials and its Application Aspects, 11-12, August 2022,  Department of Physics Institute of Science and
Humanities Saveetha School of Engineering SIMATS Chennai-602 105

29.  M. Sundarrajan & P.G. Ganapathisundaram, “Morphology Studies on Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Green Method Using CrossandraInfundibuliformis and Nerium Oleander extracts”, International Conference On Crystal Growth and Spectroscopy (Iccgs-2022),  August 29-31, 2022, St.Joseph’s college, Tiruchirappalli

30.  M. Sundarrajan, V. Santhanam, K. AugestaJano, D. Durgadevi , “Green Synthesis and Characterization of Nanosilver Doped Nanohydroxyapatite (nAg-nHAP) Using Citrus Limon Leaf Extract and Egg Shells”, International Conference On Crystal Growth and Spectroscopy (Iccgs-2022),  August 29-31,  2022, St.Joseph’s college, Tiruchirappalli

31.  M. Sundarrajan& J. Rajam, “Green Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Using Moringaoleifera and MurrayaKoenigii Extracts, International Conference On Crystal Growth and Spectroscopy (Iccgs-2022),  August 29-31, 2022, St.Joseph’s college, Tiruchirappalli

32. M Sundarrajan , V Santhanam, B SathyaJothi , R. Padmanaban, “One Step Microwave Rapid Synthesis of Carbon Dots From Pumpkin And Guava Leaves”, International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM 20- 23), Feb’ 21-22, 2023, WCC, Chennai.

33. M Sundarrajan , V Santhanam, B SathyaJothi , R. Padmanaban, “Synthesis of carbon dots from Pumpkin and Guava Leaves by Thermal Pyrolysis method”, International virtual conference on Recent  trends in PhysicsMar’ 16-17, 2023, JeyarajAnnapakkiam College for Woman, Periyakulam, Theni

34 M Sundarrajan , V Santhanam, B SathyaJothi , R. Padmanaban, “Synthesis of carbon dots from Blue Berry Leaves by hot plate method”, International virtual conference on Recent trends in Physics Mar’ 16-17, 2023, JeyarajAnnapakkiam     College for Woman, Periyakulam, Theni



1.M.Sundarrajan and V. Arulesan, “Heavy Metal Analysis on Mamandur Lake Sediments, Tamilnadu, India”, Application of Nanostructured Materials for Energy and Environmental Technology, Bloomsbury Publications (ISBN:9 789385 436 918), pp 245- 248, 2015.
2.Published book chapter entitled “Heavy Metal Adsorption (Cu) of Fresh Water Green Algae Charcoal- ICP OES Study” ISBN : 978-81-931566-1-2, pp 129-131 Published by JACS Directory, Research Journals and Books Publishing Group during Aug’ 2016
3.Published book chapter entitled “Surface Analysis on Green Algae Charcoal Adsorbent Using HR-SEM Study” ISBN : 978-81-931566-1-2, pp 132-134 Published by JACS Directory, Research Journals and Books Publishing Group during Aug’ 2016
4. Published a chapter entitled “Spectroscopic Characterization of Sediments” in the book “Instrumentation techniques – A primer” released during Sixth National Workshop on Instrumentation Techniques in Physics, SCSVMV Publications, pp34-38, March 12, 2018.
5. Published a chapter entitled “Spectroscopic Characterization of Sediments” in the book “Instrumentation techniques – A primer” released during Seventh National Workshop on Instrumentation Techniques in Physics, SCSVMV Publications, pp 34-38, February 27, 2019.


1. K. Venkatramanan, M. Sundarrajan& R. Raja,“Applied Physics for Engineers”, Scitech Publications, Chennai, 2011.
2. K. Venkatramanan, M. Sundarrajan& R. Raja, “Experimental Physics”, Scitech Publications, Chennai, 2011.


1. Participated in the National Seminar on Display Phosphors and Applications – 2008 atSaveetha Engineering College, Chennai, November 2008.

2. Participated in National Seminar on Emerging Research Trends in Basic Sciences, organized by the department of Science and Humanities, SCVMV on 19th March 2010.

3. Participated in the National Mathematics day at SCSVMV, Organized by Science and Humanities departmenton 28th January 2013.

4. Attended the National Workshop on Writing Scientific Proposals and Papers for Quality Research (WSPPQR 2013) on 14thFebruary 2013 at SCSVMV, organized by Science & Humanities department.

5. Participated in National Seminar on Modern Techniques in Analytical Chemistry, organized by the department of Science and Humanities, SCVMV during 10-11, February 2011.

6. Participated in International Conference on Recent Trends in Advanced Materials (ICRAM 2012)held at VIT University, Vellore, during 20-22, February 2012.

7. Participated in the National Workshop on Modern Physical and Chemical InstrumentationTechniques (PCINTECH’12), organized by the department of Science and Humanities, SCVMV during 21-22, March 2012.

8. Participated on the DRDO and CSIR Sponsored Workshop on Preparation and characterization of Crystalline Materials and their Applications (WPCCMA- 2012), held at Anna University, Chennai, during 16-17, July 2012.

9. Participated in the 3rd International Science Congress (ISC 2013) held at Karunya University, Coimbatore, organized by International Science Congress Association, during 8-9, December 2013.

10. Attended the Workshop on Matlab and its Applications, organized by the department of Mathematics, SCVMV on 6th September 2013.

11. Attendedthe Workshop onElemental, Compound and phase analysis by powder X-ray Diffraction held at NIT, Tiruchirappalli during 19-20, September 2014.

11. Attended the One day User Awareness Programme on Shodhganga and Anti-Plagiarism Software,Organized by SCSVMV University Library on 26th March 2015.

12. Participated in the National Workshop on Analytical Techniques for Chemical Characterization- ATCC 2015 organized by the department of Chemistry at SCSVMV on 13th March 2015.

13. Attended the National Workshop on Math with Open Source Software (NWMOSS 2015), organized by the department of Mathematics, SCVMV during 3-4, September 2015

14. Participated in the Two day National Workshop on Role of Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry in Energy Generation (RNRCEG-2016), Organized by department of Chemistry at SCSVMV during 27-28, January2016.

15. Participated and presented papers in the International Conference on Nano- A New World of Science at Vidyasagar Women’s College,Chengalpet during 22nd Sep’ 2017

16. Participated in the International Seminar on Astrophysics, organized by the department of physics, SCSVMV on January 01, 2017.

17. Participated in the International Seminar on Recent Advances in chemical science, organized by the department of physics, SCSVMV on August 09, 2017.

18. Participated in the International Seminar on Condensed Matter Physics, organized by the department of physics, SCSVMV on November 03, 2017.

19. Participated in the National Seminar on Glimpses of Indian Space Program, organized by the department of physics, SCSVMV on January 25, 2018.

20. Participated in the Science Academies sponsored the two days National Lecture workshop on spectroscopy and Microscopy, organized by the department of chemistry, SCSVMV during January 29-30, 2018.

21. Participated in IMPULSE 2K18 – An Intercollegiate Physics meet, organized by the department of physics, SCSVMV on February 17, 2018.

22. Participated in the National Seminar on Interaction and research consultancy with professors from Kasetsart University and King Mongkut University, Thailand, organized by the department of physics, SCSVMV during March 08-09, 2018.

23. Participated in the sixth National Workshop on instrumentation techniques in physics, organized by the Department of Physics, SCSVMV on March 12, 2018.

24. Participated in the National Workshop on Electronics circuits and projects, organized by the Department of Physics, SCSVMV on April 02, 2018.

25. Participated in the “National Seminar on Awareness program on Intellectual property rights”, organized by the Department of Mech. Engg., SCSVMV on April 13, 2018.

26. Participated in the AICTE recognized short term course on “Tools for Scientific Research in Engineering & Science through ICT”, Organized by department of EEE, SCSVMV during November 12-16, 2018.

27. Participated in the seventh National Workshop on instrumentation techniques in physics, organized by the Department of Physics, SCSVMV on February 27, 2018.

28. Participated in Workshop on Basic Vedic Mathematics, organized by the Department of Maths, SCSVMV during Sep’ 3 -5, 2019.

29. Attended an International level webinar on skill in higher education at Annamalai University during 08.05.2020 – 12.05.2020

30. Attended a webinar on Outcome based education at SCSVMV conducted by IQAC on 21.10.21

31. Attended international conference on Crystal growth and spectroscopy (ICCGS-2022) during  29-31, August  2022, organized by St.Joseph’s  College, Tiruchirappalli

32. Attended national conference on functional materials and its application aspects (NCFMAA-2022) during 11-12 august 2022, organized by Department of Physics Institute of Science and Humanities,Saveetha School of Engineering,SIMATS, Chennai-602 105


M.Phil. – 33
M.Sc. – 07
Under Guidance::
Ph.D. – 01


National Science day – 2012.
National Workshop on Basics of MATLAB – 2014.
National Workshop on Basics of MATLAB – 2015.
National Seminar on Recent Advances in Physics, SCSVMV – 2016.
International Seminar on overseas academic opportunities, SCSVMV – 2016.


National Seminar on Frontier Areas of Spectrosphysics NASFAS 2013
International Conference on Frontier Areas of Physics INACFAP 2014
One day Seminar on Crystallography and its Applications-2014
National Workshop on Instrumentation Techniques in Physics PINTECH 2014
Instrumentation Workshops for B.Sc. Students.PINTECH 2015
International Seminar on Modern Synthetic Chemistry – Approaches andAchievements. Chief Guest:Nobel Laureate: “Prof. Ei-Chi Negishi”, H.C. Brown Distinguished Professor, Departmenof Chemistry, Purdue University, USA.

1. In-charge- Sieve Shaker Instrument in Applied Spectroscopic Research Lab.
2. External Examiner – Pondicherry Central University
3. Judge – AriviyalNadaghaVizha –2014 conducted by Govt. of Tamilnadu.
4. External Examiner – Pondicherry Engineering College
5. External Examiner– Vinayaka Mission’s University-AarupadaiVeedu Institute of Technology, Paiyanoor
6. Judge – Inspire Science Exhibition 2015 conducted by Govt. of Tamilnadu.


 Department Member – IQAC
 Board of Studies Member
 Member – Anti-Ragging Committee
 Course Coordinator – M.Phil. Physics
– Past
 NSS Programme Coordinator
 Member-Secretary – NSS Advisory Committee
 Board of Studies – Member – 2009 to 2015
 Course Coordinator- M.Phil. Physics