SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya


Educational Profile:
• Ph.D., (Chemistry), SCSVMV University (2008)
• M.Phil., (Chemistry), Annamalai University (2001)
• M.Sc., (Physical Chemistry), Annamalai University (1998)

Research Interests:
Supramolecular Chemistry; Chemosensor; Computational Chemistry

Index and Citations:
h-index: 13
i10-index: 20
Total No. of Citations: 521
RG: 27.74

Funded Projects:
• Major Project – 1; funded by UGC-DAE-CSR, Kalpakkam. Rs. 14 Lacs. Year: 2016-2019.
• Minor Project – 1; funded by SCSVMV University, Tamilnadu. Rs. 0.5 Lacs. Year: 2010.
• Minor Project – 3; funded by UGC, New Delhi. Rs. 1.5 Lacs. Year: 2006-2009.

Funding received for programs: Rs. 3 Lacs from DST-SERB, TNSCST, Science Academies.

• Editor – “Open Chemistry” (formerly Central European Journal of Chemistry)
• Editorial Review Board member – Intnl. J. of Systems Biology & Biomedical Technologies
• Associate Editor – Science Ocean
• Reviewer – ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
• Reviewer – Elsevier – Journal of Molecular Structure; Spectrochimica Acta Part A; Journal of Cleaner Production, Carbohydrate Research
• Reviewer – Springer – Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry
• Reviewer – Wiley – Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
• Reviewer – Taylor and Francis – Spectroscopy Letters; Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds; Analytical Letters; Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects
• Reviewer – Indian Journal of Biotechnology
• Reviewer – International Journal Bioautomation.
• Certificate of outstanding contribution in Reviewing – Journal of Molecular Structure
• Best Teacher Award, 2015, 2017 – SCSVMV University
• Research Proficiency Award 2017 – SCSVMV University
• Summer Research Fellowship Award – by Indian Academy of Sciences (2008)

Analytical Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry
Engineering Chemistry
Research Methodology

Research Guidance:
• Ph.D (Chemistry) Research Scholars – Full Time – 2; Part Time – 2
• Ph.D (Mathematics) Research Scholars – Part Time – 2 (as Co-Guide)
• M. Phil (Chemistry; Bioinformatics) – 34

List of Publications in Indexed Journals

Total No. of publications in SCI journals: 35

 IJ35.  K. Sivakumar, R. Rajmohan, Chandrabose Leela Sabari, Molecular encapsulation of lidocaine and procaine into β-cyclodexrin cavity: in vitro cytotoxic evaluation, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A(2019) [IF: 1.05]. 

IJ34. K. Sivakumar, S. Prabu, R. Rajamohan, Supramolecular assembly between adenocard and native beta-cyclodextrin: Preparation, characterization and in-vitro cytotoxic evaluation, Spectroscopy Letters. (2018) DOI: 10.1080/00387010.2018.1525408. [IF: 0.89]. 

IJ33. K. Sivakumar, M. Murugan, A. Anitha, R. Rajamohan, Supramolecular Interaction of Primaquine with Native β-cyclodextrin, Journal of Solution Chemistry. 47 (2018) 906–929. [IF: 1.3].

 IJ32. K. Sivakumar, V. Komathi, M. Murali Krishnan, Dinitrophenylhydrazine: β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex as a novel fluorescent chemosensor probe for Ce4+Research on Chemical Intermediates. 44 (2018) 5301–5327. [IF: 1.3]. 

IJ31. K. Sivakumar, G. Parinamachivayam, M. Murali Krishnan, Sujay Chakravarty, A. Bharathi, Preparation, characterization and molecular modeling studies of the beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complex with benzoguanamine and its analytical application as chemosensor for the selective sensing of Ce4+Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 200 (2018) 212–225. [IF: 2.5]. 

IJ30. K. Sivakumar, R. Rajmohan, Chandrabose Leela Sabari, Improvement of cytotoxic activity of local anesthetics against human breast cancer cell line through the cyclodextrin complexes, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A, 54:6 (2017) 402-410. [IF: 0.9]. 

IJ29. K. Sivakumar, M. Viswalingam, S. Prabu, K. Sivakumar, R., Preparation and characterization of a imipramine-ß-cyclodextrin inclusion complex , Instrumentation Science and Technology, 44:6 (2016) 651-671. [IF: 0.8]. 

IJ28. K. Sivakumar, M. Viswalingam, S. Prabu, K. Sivakumar, R., Spectral characteristics of desipramine in β-cyclodextrin cavity through inclusion complex, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A, 53:12 (2016) 781-790. [IF: 0.9]. 

IJ27. K. Sivakumar, T. R. Ragi, 2H1NA/β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex:Preparation, characterization and chemosensory application for detecting Ag+, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A, 53:11 (2016) 677-696. [IF: 0.9]. 

IJ26. K. Sivakumar, R. Periasamy, S. Kothainayaki, Encapsulation of dicinnamalacetone in β-cyclodextrin: A physicochemical evaluation and molecular modeling approach on 1:2 inclusion complex,
Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A, 53:9 (2016) 546-556. [IF: 0.9]. 

IJ25. K. Sivakumar, R. Periasamy, S. Kothainayaki, A study of host-guest complexation between amodiaquine and native cyclodextrin. Characterization in solid state and its in-vitroanticancer activity, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A, 53:5 (2016) 282-289. [IF: 0.9]. 

IJ24. K. Sivakumar, S. Prabu, S. Kothai Nayaki, R. Rajamohan, Host-guest interaction of cytidine in β-cyclodextrin microcavity: characterization and docking study, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 219 (2016) 967-974. [IF: 2.5]. 

IJ23. K. Sivakumar, M. Parameswari, T. Stalin, Etodolac:β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex as a novel fluorescent chemosensor probe for Ba2+,  Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry, 35 (2) (2016) 118 –130. [IF: 1.4]. 

IJ22. K. Sivakumar, T. R. Ragi, D. Prema , T. Stalin, Experimental and theoretical investigation on the structural characterization and orientation preferences of 2-hydroxy-1-napthoic acid / β-cyclodextrin host-guest inclusion complex, Journal of Molecular Liquids, , 218 (2016) 538-548. [IF: 2.5]. 

IJ21. K. Sivakumar, S. Arumugam, G. Sriram, T. Rajmohan, Optimization of transesterification process parameters of castor oil ethanolysis using response surface methodology based genetic algorithm. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38 (2016) 300-308. [IF: 0.5]. 

IJ20. K. Sivakumar, R. Rajamohan, S. Kothainayaki, M. Swaminathan, Photophysical and photoprototropic characteristics of phenothiazine in aqueous and β-Cyclodextrin media,  Journal of Luminescence, 168, (2015) 245 –255. [IF: 2.7].

IJ19. K. Sivakumar, R. Periasamy, S. Kothainayaki, Preparation, physicochemical analysis and molecular modeling investigation of 2,2′-Bipyridine:β-Cyclodextrin inclusion complex in solution and solid state, J. Mol. Struct., 1100, (2015) 59 –69. [IF: 1.6].

 IJ18. K. Sivakumar, S. Prabu,M. Swaminathan, R. Rajamohan, Preparation, Characterization and molecular modeling studies of the inclusion complex of Caffeine with Beta-Cyclodextrin, J. Mol. Struct., 1099, (2015) 616 –624. [IF: 1.6]. 

IJ17. K. Sivakumar, S. Prabu,M. Swaminathan, R. Rajamohan, Preparation and Characterization of Host-Guest system between Inosine and β-Cyclodextrin through inclusion mode, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 147, (2015) 151–157. [IF: 2.1]. 

IJ16. K. Sivakumar, R. Periasamy, R. Rajamohan, S. Kothainayaki, Spectral investigations of Host–guest inclusion complex of 4,4’-methylene-bis (2-chloroaniline) with Beta-cyclodextrin. Carbohydrate Polymers, 114, (2014) 558–566 [IF: 3.9] 

IJ15. K. Sivakumar, T. Stalin, K. Srinivasan, 2,6-Dinitroaniline and β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex properties studied by different analytical methods, Carbohydr. Polym. 113, (2014) 577-587. [IF: 3.9]

 IJ14. K. Sivakumar, M.Maniyazagan, S. Mohandoss, T. Stalin,  N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine/b-cyclodextrin inclusion complex as a new fluorescent probe for rapid and visual detection of Pd2+Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 133 (2014) 73–79. [IF: 2.1] (Ranked 24th on the top 25 Hottest Articles) 

IJ13. K. Sivakumar, R. Periasamy, R. Rajamohan, S. Kothainayaki, Spectral investigation and structural characterization of Dibenzalacetone: β-Cyclodextrin inclusion complex, J. Mol. Struct., 1068, (2014) 155-163. [IF: 1.5] 

IJ12. K. Sivakumar, T. Stalin, K. Srinivasan, S. Radhakrishnan, Preparation and characterizations of solid/aqueous phases inclusion complex of 2, 4-dinitroaniline with β-cyclodextrin. Carbohydr. Polym. 107, (2014) 72-84. [IF: 3.9] 

IJ11. K. Sivakumar, K. Srinivasan, T. Stalin, Study of the cyclodextrin and its complexation with 2,4-dinitrobenzoic acid through photophysical properties and 2D NMR spectroscopy. J. Mol. Struct., 1060 (2014) 239-250. [IF: 1.5]. 

IJ10. K. Sivakumar, V. Bhakyajothi, M. Parameswari, D. Prema,T. Stalin, Spectral studies on the supramolecular assembly of 1H2NA: β- cyclodextrin complex and its analytical application as chemosensor for the selective sensing of Cr3+Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 33 (2013) 221–235. [IF: 1.0]

IJ09. K. Sivakumar, M. Nichodemus, K.R. Sankaran, Steric effect is a decisive factor on the orientation preference of guest into host: evidence from 5-indanol/ β-CD model. Molecular Physics, 112[14] (2014) 1879–1891. [IF: 1.6] 

IJ08. K. Sivakumar, K. Srinivasan, T. Stalin, A. Shanmugapriya, Spectroscopic and electrochemical studies on the interaction of an inclusion complex of β-CD with 2,6-dinitrophenol in aqueous and solid phases. J. Mol. Struct., 1036 (2013) 494-504. [IF: 1.5] 

IJ07. K. Sivakumar, K. Paramasivaganesh, K. Srinivasan, A. Manivel, S. Anandan, S. Radhakrishnan, T. Stalin, Studies on inclusion complexation between 4,4′-dihydroxybiphenyl and β-cyclodextrin by experimental and theoretical approach. J. Mol. Struct., 1048 (2013) 399-409. [IF: 1.5]

 IJ06. K. Sivakumar, G. Hemalatha, M. Parameswari, T. Stalin, Spectral, electrochemical and docking studies of 5-indanol:β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex. Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, 51 (2012) 567-585. [IF: 0.8] 

IJ05. K. Sivakumar, K. Srinivasan, T. Stalin, Spectral and electrochemical study of host-gust inclusion complex between 2, 4-dinitrophenol and b-cyclodextrin, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 94, (2012) 89-100. [IF: 1.9] 

IJ04. K. Sivakumar, K. Srinivasan, K. Kayalvizhi, T. Stalin, Study of inclusion complex of b-cyclodextrin and diphenylamine:Photophysical and electrochemical behaviors, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 79, (2011) 169-178. [IF: 1.7] (Ranked 13th on the top 25 Hottest Articles).  

IJ03. K. Sivakumar, S. Balaji & Gangaradhakrishnan, Biocomputational analysis and characterization of some antifreeze proteins, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 6 (1), (2007), 127-140. [Top Accessed Article and Ranked 4th since April 2008]. [IF: 0.5]

IJ02. K. Sivakumar, S. Balaji & Gangaradhakrishnan, In Silico Characterization of Antifreeze Proteins Using Computational Tools and Servers”, Journal of Chemical Sciences, 119 (5), (2007), 571-579. [IF: 0.7]  

IJ01. K. Sivakumar, T. Stalin, & N. Rajendiran, “Dual fluorescence of Diphenylcarbazide and Benzanilide: Effect of solvents and pH, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 62 (4–5), 2005, 991–999. [IF: 1.0]


List of publications in Referred /Reputed Journals

RJ24. K. Sivakumar, M. Parameswari, Salicylanilide /Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex: Preparation, Characterization and Molecular Docking studies. SOJ Mater Sci Eng 5(1), (2016), 1-4.

RJ23. K. Sivakumar, M. Parameswari, C. Sumathi, Inclusion complexes of acetanilide with 18-crown-6: spectroscopic and molecular modeling studies. International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, 38 (2016), 1-4.

RJ22. K. Sivakumar, A. Dhanalakshmi, K. Srinivasa Rao, Hosoya, Schultz, modified  Schultz polynominals and their related indices of α-Cyclodextrin. International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Resarch,3(4), (2015), 83-90.

RJ21. K. Sivakumar, M. Parameswari, Photo physical and computational studies on the complexation of acetanilide with β-cyclodextrin. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Engineering, (2014), 620-625.

RJ20. K. Sivakumar, M. Parameswari, P. Balu, Host–guest interaction of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine: β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex. International Journal of Advanced Chemical Science and Applications, 2(3), (2014), 42-44.

RJ19. K. Sivakumar, N. S. Lakka, S.Y Reddamoni, Vure Prasad, Cleaning validation method for residual estimation of amc and rutin on surface of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment with swab sampling technique by using HPLC UV method, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 (2014) 409-414.

RJ18. K. Sivakumar, T. R. Ragi, M. Parameswari, Host–guest interaction of 2-hydroxy-1-naphthoic acid: β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex. Indian Journal of Science, 14(42), (2015), 63-70

RJ17. K. Sivakumar, R. Mageswari, K. Srinivasa Rao, Prediction of hydrophobic core using contact map and minimal connected dominating set, Indian Journal of Science, 13(37), (2015), 24-28.

RJ16. K. Sivakumar, Dhanalakshmi A, Srinivasa Rao K. Characterization of α-Cyclodextrin Using Adjacency and Distance Matrix. Indian Journal of Science, 12(35), (2015), 78-83.

RJ15. K. Sivakumar, A. Dhanalakshmi, K. Srinivasa Rao, Estimation of molecular descriptors of the fullerene using adjacency matrix, Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, 3 (2014), 624-627.

RJ14. K. Sivakumar, R. Mageswari, K. Srinivasa Rao, Protein similarity/dissimilarity using protein contact map and matching index, Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, 3 (2014), 672-676.

RJ13. K. Sivakumar, D. Vijayalakshmi, K. Srinivasa Rao, Proteins-Graph Theoretical Model Using Beta Turn Structure, International Journal of Computing Algorithm, 3 (2014), 638-641.

RJ12. K. Sivakumar, V. Bhakyajothi and M. Parameswari,  Inclusion of 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid in ß-cyclodextrin nanocavity in liquid, solid and virtual states, International Journal of Advanced Materials Science,4, (2013) 9-15.

RJ11. K. Sivakumar, In Silico Analysis and Characterization of Stickler Syndrome Associated Human Type II and Type XI Collagen Proteins, The Icfai University Journal of Biotechnology, III (4), (2009), 18-29.

RJ10. K. Sivakumar, Green Fluorescence Proteins: Invisible to Visible, Advanced BioTech – Journal of Advanced BiotechnologyVIII (12), 2009, 24-29.

RJ9. K. Sivakumar, S. Balaji & Gangaradhakrishnan, Computational Analysis and Characterization of   Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Associated Human Type I, III and V Collagen Proteins, International Journal of Scientific Research, (17), 2008, 95-101.

RJ8. K. Sivakumar, S. Balaji & Gangaradhakrishnan, Comparative analysis and characterization of various Syndromes associated Human Collagen Proteins Using Computational Tools and Online Servers, Biotechnology: An Indian Journal, 1(1), 2007, 40-48.

RJ7. K. Sivakumar, S. Balaji & Gangaradhakrishnan, In Silico Characterization of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Causing Human Collagen Proteins, BioChemistry: An Indian Journal, 1(1), 2007, 14-19.

RJ6. K. Sivakumar, Protein Sequence Databases: An Overview, Advanced BioTech – Journal of Advanced Biotechnology, V (9), 2007, 20-27.

RJ5. K. Sivakumar, & K. Venkatramanan, A Study on Population education dimensions at Enathur and Punjaiarasanthangal Villages, Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu, Indian Journal of Population Education, (37), 2007, 42-54.

RJ4. K. Sivakumar, S. Balaji & Gangaradhakrishnan, Biocomputational Analysis and Characterization of Stickler Syndrome Associated Human Collagen Proteins, Bulletin on Biological Sciences, XXIV (2nd Issue), 2006, 151-160.

RJ3. K. Sivakumar, Proteomics: From Sequence To Structure, Advanced BioTech – Journal of Advanced BiotechnologyIV (11), 2006, 18-23.

RJ2. K. Sivakumar, WWW Databases, Tools and Prediction Servers for Protein Sequence Analysis and Characterization, Advanced BioTech – Journal of Advanced BiotechnologyIV (1), 2005, 27-31.

RJ1. K. Sivakumar, Photoluminescence behavior of Diphenylcarbazide and Benzanilide in different solvents and at various pH, Masters Abstracts International, 41 (1), 2003, 234, Publication No.: 0666573. 

List of publications in PRoceedings

PR6. K. Sivakumar, D. Prema, Inclusion Complexation of Acetanilide into the β-cyclodextrin Nanocavity: A Computational Approach, Procedia Materials Science, 10 (2015) 467 – 47.

PR5. K. Sivakumar, A. Dhanalakshmi, K. Srinivasa Rao, Characterization of Fullerene Using Adjacency Matrix, Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematical Sciences. (2014) 529-533.

PR4. K. Sivakumar, Role of Steric effect in host-guest chemistry, Proceedings of the National Conference On Advances in Chemical Sciences and Engineering, India (2014) 47-52.

PR3. K. Sivakumar, Inclusion of 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid in β-cyclodextrin nanocavity in liquid, solid and virtual states, Proceedings of the National Conference on Nanomaterials, India (2012) 34-39.

PR2. K. Sivakumar, & K. Venkatramanan, An Inter –Village analysis on Educational status, Health awareness, Role of women in SHGs and other factors in Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu, Proceedings of “National Consultation on Youth in Panchayti Raj Campaign, India (2007), 120–136.

PR1. K. Sivakumar, V. Umashankar & D. Sudarsanam, “Physico-Chemical Characterization of Fish Antifreeze Proteins using Bioinformatics Tools” Proceedings of the National seminar on Zoology and Human Welfare, (2004). 18–24.

List of Book Chapters

BC2. K. Sivakumar, Computational analysis and Characterization of Marfan Syndrome Associated Human Proteins, chapter in Biocomputation and Biomedical Informatics: Case Studies and Applications, 2010143 – 157. Editor: Dr. Athina Lazakidou, Department of Health Informatics, University of Peloponnese, Sparti, GREECE, Publisher: Medical Information Science Reference, IGI Global Publishers, United States of America.  ISBN: 978-1-60566-768- 

BC1. K. Sivakumar, Protein Sequence analysis and Characterization using In silico methods, Invited chapter in Medical Biotechnology2008, 211-235. Editor: Prof. Dr. Pravin. C. Trivedi, Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan, INDIA, Publisher: Aavishkar Publishers, Jaipur, INDIA.  ISBN: 978-81-7910-236-7.


List of Books

B3. K. Sivakumar,, A Primer for Engineering Students with Examples2012. Scitech Publishers, Chennai, INDIA. ISBN-978-81-8371-427-3.

B2. K. Sivakumar,, Experimental Chemistry2011. Scitech Publishers, Chennai, INDIA. ISBN- 978-81-8371-404-4.

B1. K. Sivakumar, Applied Chemistry2009. Anuradha Publications, Chennai, INDIA. ISBN: 978-81-8472-108-9.


• Head, Department of Chemistry, SCSVMV University, Nov’ 2014-Nov 2015; March 2016 – till date.
• Member, Planning and Monitoring Board, SCSVMV University, since June 2016.
• Member, Academic Council, SCSVMV University, since June 2013.
• Member, Task Force, SCSVMV University, since June 2013.
• Coordinator, Science Academies’ sponsored lecture workshop on Spectroscopy and Microscopy organized by Dept. of Chemistry, SCSVMV University during 29 – 30 Jan 2018.
• Convenor, DST-SERB, GOI sponsored National Seminar on Chemistry of Pulses, organized by Dept. of Chemistry, SCSVMV University during 20th – 21st Oct 2016.
• Co-convenor, DAE-BRNS, GOI sponsored National conference on Advances in Chemical Sciences & Engg. organized by Dept. of Chemistry, SCSVMV University during 6th – 7th March 2014.
• Coordinator, I Year B.E./B.Tech, SCSVMV University, June 2013-April 2015.
• Coordinator, TNSCST sponsored National Workshop on Writing Scientific Proposals papers for Quality Research, organized by Dept. of Chemistry, SCSVMV University on 14th February 2013.
• Session Chair, International Workshop on Advanced Topics in Chemistry and Physics, organized by Dept. of Science and Humanities, SCSVMV University during 26th to 27th November 2012 .
• Member, Advisory Committee – Training Programme on Physical and Chemical Instrumentation Techniques, organized by Dept. of Chemistry & Physics, SCSVMV University, during 21st and 22nd March 2012.
• Coordinator, DST sponsored National Workshop on Modern Techniques in Analytical Chemistry, organized by Dept. of Chemistry, SCSVMV University during 10th and 11th February 2011.
• Coordinator, National Seminar on Emerging Research Trends in Basic Sciences, organized by Dept. of Science & Humanities, SCSVMV University on 19th March 2010.
• Convenor, National Science Day – 2010 –Celebrations, organized by Dept. of Science & Humanities, SCSVMV University.
• Deputy Warden – SCSVMV University Hostels, July 2018 – till date.