SCSVMV Deemed to be University

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya



Associate Professor  


M.C.A, Ph.D.
His Area of Interest lies in
1.E-learing project
2.First-Aid e-learning
Reasearch Interest:
1.Software Engineering.
2.Data Mining.
3.Data Communication and Networks.

Software Engineering.
Data Mining.
Networks Communication.
Computer System Architecture.



1) Presented a National conference – paper titled “Enhancing E-learning through an Agent Based Intelligent Tutoring System” organized by CSI College of Engineering, Nilgiris from 3rd March to 4th March 2008.
2)Presented a International Conference on Operations Research applications in Engineering and Management (ICOREM) organized by Anna University Tiruchirapalli from 27.05.2009 to 29.05.2009
3)Paper Presented a International Conference paper titled The Component to improve the quality of software Futuristic Trends in Computer Science Engineering &Information Technology organized by Thiruvalluvar college of Engineering &Technology.


1. S.Prakasam and Dr.R.M.Suresh “An agent -based Intelligent System to enhance E-Learning through Mining Techniques” International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) (ISSN: 0975-3397) Vol.02, No.03, 2010, pp: 767-771.
2 S.Prakasam and Dr.R.M.Suresh “Intelligent Search System for E-Learning” Interdisciplinary Journal of Computer Science, Communication and Management (IJCSCM) Vol.01, No.01, 2010, Pp: 10-16.
3 S.Prakasam and Dr.R.M.Suresh “Multi Agent Based E-learning System – A Knowledge management approach” International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Based System (IJITKBS) Vol.01, No.02, 2010, Pp: 121-128.
4 S.Prakasam and Dr.R.M.Suresh The role of knowledge management In Multi-Agent Based E-learning System”. Indian Journal of Computer &Information Technology (IJCIT) Vol.02, No.01, 2010, Pp: 54-62.
5 S.Prakasam An analysis on the Impact of Multi Agent Based E-learning System. International journal of Computer Science & Communication (ISSN: 0973-7391), Volume-II, Number-II Pp: 297-299.
6 Dr.S.Prakasam, “The impact of first aid awareness course through knowledge management-based e-learning system” International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management (ISSN: 0973-4414), Volume V, No: II, Pp: 319-321.
7 R. Karthikeyan and Dr.S.Prakasam “A Survey on Radio over Fiber (RoF) for Wireless Broadband Access Technologies” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 64– No.12, February 2013, Pp: 14-19.
8 M.Prema and Dr.S.Prakasam, “Effectiveness of Data Mining – based E-learning system (DMBELS)” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 66– No.19, March 2013, Pp: 31-36.
9 C.SenthilMurugan and Dr.S.Prakasam “CMMI Standards in Software Developing Process” International Journal of Computer Network and Security (IJCNS) gopalax Journals, Singapore,Issn:0975-8283 Vol5. No.1 – Jan-March 2013, Pp:5 -11.
10 R. Karthikeyan and Dr.S.Prakasam “OFDM Signal Improvement Using Radio over Fiber for Wireless System” International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), (ISSN: 2250-3501)., Vol.3, No3, June 2013 ,Pp 387-291.
11 S.Sandhiya and Dr.S.Prakasam “A Framework includes Path Based Method and Sandbox Techniques for Effective Communication System” International Journal of Computer Applications,(0975 – 8887) Volume 74– No.10, July 2013 Pp: 44 – 47.
12 C.SenthilMurugan and Dr.S.Prakasam “A Literal Review of Software Quality Assurance” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 78– No.VIII, September 2013, Pp:25-30.
13 R. Karthikeyan and Dr.S.Prakasam “Analyzing Applications of Radio over Fiber (RoF) for Mobile Network” International journal of Computer Science & Communication (IJCSC) ( ISSN-0973-7391.) Volume 4 • Number 2 ,September 2013, Pp:89-92.
14 V.Padmapriya and Dr.S.Prakasam “Enhancing ATM Security using Fingerprint and GSM Technology International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887) Volume 80–No 16, October 2013, Pp:43-46.
15 D.Suresh and Dr.S.Prakasam “The Impact of E-learning system using Rank-based Clustering Algorithm (ESURBCA )” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 83 – No 7, December 2013 Pp:13-18. URI :
16 Aruna.R and Dr.S.Prakasam “Enhancing Cloud based E- learning using Knowledge Sharing System” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 84 – No 9, December 2013,Pp 27-30. URI :
17 A.Priyanga and Dr.S.Prakasam “Effectiveness of Data Mining – based Cancer Prediction System (DMBCPS)” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 83 – No 10, December 2013, Pp 11-17.
18 A.Priyanga and Dr.S.Prakasam “The Role of Data Mining-Based Cancer Prediction system (DMBCPS) in Cancer Awareness ” International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Communications(IJCSEC),(ISSN: 2347–8586) Vol No:1 Issue.No:1 December 2013,Pp: 54-61. Science and Application0088.pdf 19 M.Prema and Dr.S.Prakasam “The Performance of First Aid Training e- Course among the Students of SCSVMV University” International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Communications – IJCSEC (ISSN: 2347–8586), Vol.1, Issue.1, December 2013. Pp: 94-103. Science and Application0093.pdf
20 K.Suseendhra, Dr.S.Prakasam “Enhancing Home Health Care System Using Body Area Network & Group Key” International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Communications – IJCSEC, (ISSN: 2347–8586), Vol.1, Issue.1, December 2013. Pp: 71-76.
21 .K.Suseendhra, Dr.S.Prakasam “Empirical Usage of Body Area Network and Group key in Home Health Care System” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 85 – No 14, January 2014 pp 01-05.
22. R.Karthikeyan, Dr.S.Prakasam “A Review – OFDM-RoF (Radio over Fiber)System for wireless Network” International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology, Vol 3, Issue 3, March- 2014 pp 344-349. ISSN (Online) 2278- 5841 & ISSN (Print) 2320- 5156
23 C.Rajeswari & S. Prakasam “Using Discrete Cosine Transform 2 to achieve High Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Image Processing “International Journal of Computer Applications 0975 – 8887 Volume 98– No.10, July 2014
24 S.Dhivya & S. Prakasam “ An Analysis on Finding the Influencing Factors of Preventing the Employment among the Educated Women using Data Mining Techniques “International Journal of Computer Applications0975 – 8887Volume 101– No.7, September 2014.
25 S.Lavanya S.Prakasam” Reliable Techniques for Data Transfer in Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science s for Data Transfer in Wireless Sensor Networks” ISSN:2319-7242, Volume 3 Issue 12 December 2014, Page No. 9726-9731
26 C. SenthilMurugan & S. Prakasam “Survey Of Customer Satisfaction In Software Development” International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI) Singaporean Journal of Scientific Research(SJSR) ISSN: 1205-2421 Vol.6.No.6 2014 Pp. 320-326 December 2014
27 C. SenthilMurugan & S. Prakasam “ The Responsibilities of Stakeholders in Software Development “Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences ISSN:1991-8178, January 2015, Pages: 118-123
28 D. Archana & S. Prakasam “Topology Control with Radio Interference Detection in Wireless Sensor Network” International Journal of Computer Applications, ISSN: 0975 – 8887 Volume 109 – No. 10, January 2015
29 G. Sugapriyan & S. Prakasam “Analyzing the Performance of MGNREGA Scheme using Data Mining Technique” International Journal of Computer Applications, ISSN: 0975 – 8887 Volume 109 – No. 9, January 2015
30 Divya and S.Prakasam ” Effectiveness of Cloud based E-Learning System (ECBELS)” International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) Volume 119 – No.6, June 2015 pp 29-36.
31 S.Lavanya and Dr. S. Prakasam “Performance Analysis of Three Hop Reliability Model for Wireless Sensor Networks in Nuclear Power Plants” IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 17, Issue 4, Ver. II (July – Aug. 2015), PP 29-35
32 S.Lavanya and Dr. S. Prakasam” Remote Monitoring Of Nuclear Power Plants With The Integration Of Iot And Cloud Computing “Internal journal of advanced research in science and engineering ,Vol.No.4,Special Issue(01), August 2015 , ISSN 2319-8354,pp106-110, Impact factor 1.142
33 B. Rama and Dr. S. Prakasam “ An Analysis on Finding the Influencing Factors that Affecting Part Time Students to Complete Degree in Prescribed Time using Data Mining Techniques “International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 129 – No.8, November2015 ,pp 15-18 , ISSN: 0975 – 8887
34 C.Senthil Murugan and S.Prakasam “StakeRatreet: A New Approach to Requirement Elicitation Based on Stakeholder Recommendation and Collaborative Filtering” Research Journal of Applied Sciences Vol 10 (Issue 10) Oct 2015 pp: 574- 586 (ISSN 1815-932x) © Medwell journals 2015
35 C.Senthil Murugan and S.Prakasam ” The Scenario Of Software Industries In India “ International Journal of Technology and Engineering System (IJTES) Vol 8. No.1 – Jan-March 2016 Pp. 158-163 ©gopalax Journals, Singapore ISSN: 0976-1345
36 K Chitra Lekha and S.Prakasam “An Analysis on Finding the Influencing Factors of Supporting for the “Give it Up” LPG Subsidy for the Government using Data Mining Techniques “International Journal of Computer Applications” (0975 – 8887) Vol:143 No:5 June 2016, Pp: 34-39. ISSN: 0975 – 8887

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